Arash Aletayeb
temp commit
3 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
Changing some features in ui
3 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
Qntzr in sram rxParams is changed.
MPS reset modify.
LPF lut register count is changed.
3 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
The software buffer number is midified to 32.
Some features are added to developedUi.
3 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
The BPI Flash API is added to write and verify the BIN files.
The reducing of the hardware API RAM is done by decreasing the software buffer to 16 instead of 100.
Some features in developedUi are added.
The preprocessors are fixed to using the upper layer of sono software.
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
The AO voltage limitation is modified to 66v.
The freeze/unfreeze delays are increased to 140/170 ms repectively
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
The mpsSetAo is modified to new conditions of HVA and HVB.
Some features of bpi flash are added.
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
The resetCounter function is added in SonoDevice and also called in scenStartPlayer & emulatorStart functions in trxBoard.cpp
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
The XADC parameters such as FPGAs core temperature and volatages are added in health status structure.
The rpm of tacho fans are added in health status too.
The debug API is added in trxBoard and also added as debug folder which contain of .ccp & .h seperately.
The built-in test api is modified.
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
The built-in test functions are added.
The lpf scale coefficients are added to scenario.
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
The afe global power down is delayed 20ms to fix corrupted first frame of scenario.
The eeproms reading timeout are increased to 5ms to fix the receiving of done flag.
The scenPlayerStart/Stop functions are modified by adding flag as boolean arguman.
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
Some features of preprocessors are modified
Some bugs of ui are fixed
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
Preprocessor is ready for sono ui with mps board
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
The adcs of afe is synchronized after slave fpga programming
The mps reset bug is fixed
The dacs of supervisory bug is fixed
The preprocessors of compiler are added to switch between some fitures
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
DMA Busy is added
Scen stop calling is depend to scen start
Set scenario compare is added
Eeproms are modified to new structures
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
The functions of scenPlayerStop & emulatorStop are added to setScenario
The mpsDacsValues are changed to under 3v
The scenPlayerStop function is called by selectProbe
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
Sram filling is fixed
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
AFE global power-down disable and enable are called into scenPlayerStart and scenPlayerStop respectively
Scenario parameters are corrected
Eeprom of boards are modified
Sram parity clear is changed
MPS dacs on/off are are called into scenPlayerStart and scenPlayerStop respectively
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
qbyteArray2UintLittleEndian function is added
sramClear function Added and called in init function
sramParityClear Function is added to clear sram parity error
sramClear function Added and called in init function
sramParityClear Function is added to clear sram parity error
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
qbyteArray2UintLittleEndian function is added
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
Quantizer convert to quint32 type cast
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
new version is updated
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
MPS power on/off functions are added independent to init function \n MPS reset is modified \n MPS DAC poweroff is added to scen stop \n AFE config , AFE global powerdown and read AFE registers are added \n Quantizer function back to (qint type cast)
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
Afe read and software meta data are added
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
sram add
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
delete old
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
fix virtual function
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
fix BeamFormer address and FPGA program
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
change ui
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
init files
4 years ago