The reducing of the hardware API RAM is done by decreasing the software buffer to 16 instead of 100.
Some features in developedUi are added.
The preprocessors are fixed to using the upper layer of sono software.
The rpm of tacho fans are added in health status too.
The debug API is added in trxBoard and also added as debug folder which contain of .ccp & .h seperately.
The built-in test api is modified.
The eeproms reading timeout are increased to 5ms to fix the receiving of done flag.
The scenPlayerStart/Stop functions are modified by adding flag as boolean arguman.
Scenario parameters are corrected
Eeprom of boards are modified
Sram parity clear is changed
MPS dacs on/off are are called into scenPlayerStart and scenPlayerStop respectively
sramClear function Added and called in init function
sramParityClear Function is added to clear sram parity error
sramClear function Added and called in init function
sramParityClear Function is added to clear sram parity error