Arash Aletayeb
PC_file transfer
2 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
Spi flash added.
Dual path added.
2 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
ApodizationParameters & DdcParameters are added.
2 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
DSP LUTs are changed and Apodization parameters are added
2 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
temp commit
3 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
The software buffer number is midified to 32.
Some features are added to developedUi.
3 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
The BPI Flash API is added to write and verify the BIN files.
The reducing of the hardware API RAM is done by decreasing the software buffer to 16 instead of 100.
Some features in developedUi are added.
The preprocessors are fixed to using the upper layer of sono software.
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
The mpsSetAo is modified to new conditions of HVA and HVB.
Some features of bpi flash are added.
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
DMA Busy is added
Scen stop calling is depend to scen start
Set scenario compare is added
Eeproms are modified to new structures
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
Sram filling is fixed
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
AFE global power-down disable and enable are called into scenPlayerStart and scenPlayerStop respectively
Scenario parameters are corrected
Eeprom of boards are modified
Sram parity clear is changed
MPS dacs on/off are are called into scenPlayerStart and scenPlayerStop respectively
4 years ago
Arash Aletayeb
Afe read and software meta data are added
4 years ago