You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
935 B

import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13
import "qrc:/emulator/elements"
import "qrc:/emulator/components"
import "qrc:/const"
GridLayout {
id: topLeft
x: 70
y: 120
rows: 3
columns: 4
rowSpacing: 36
columnSpacing: 36
NeuLight {
image: "qrc:/icons/topLeft/power.png"
Layout.column: 3
colorMode: 3
// enabled: false
// name: "power"
KnobLightBind { name: "patient" ; image: "qrc:/icons/topLeft/patient.png" }
KnobLightBind { name: "utils" ; image: "qrc:/icons/topLeft/utils.png" }
KnobLightBind { name: "dvd" ; image: "qrc:/icons/topLeft/dvd.png" }
KnobLightBind { name: "report" ; image: "qrc:/icons/topLeft/report.png" }
KnobLightBind { name: "probe" ; image: "qrc:/icons/topLeft/probe.png"
Layout.column: 1
Layout.row: 2
KnobLightBind { name: "archive" ; image: "qrc:/icons/topLeft/archive.png" }
KnobLightBind { name: "end" ; image: "qrc:/icons/topLeft/end.png" }