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80 lines
2.4 KiB

pipeline {
agent any
environment {
GITEA_CREDS = 'test'
GITEA_TOKEN = 'your-gitea-token'
MAIN_BRANCH = 'token'
stages {
stage('Clone the repo') {
steps {
echo "Clone the repo"
sh "rm -fr jenkins-test3"
git branch: "${env.MAIN_BRANCH}", credentialsId: "${env.GITEA_CREDS}", url: "${env.GITEA_REPO_URL}"
stage('Code Analysis') {
parallel {
stage('CppCheck') {
steps {
sleep 3
sh 'cppcheck_configs/'
stage('Clang Tidy') {
steps {
sh 'clang_configs/'
stage('Clang Format') {
steps {
sh 'clang_configs/'
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
sleep 10
echo "Deploy"
stage('Cleaning') {
steps {
sh "rm -fr jenkins-test3"
post {
always {
script {
def status = currentBuild.result == 'SUCCESS' ? 'success' : 'failure'
def state = status == 'success' ? 'success' : 'failure'
def description = "Jenkins build ${status}"
def commitSha = env.GIT_COMMIT
url: "${env.GITEA_REPO_URL}/statuses/${commitSha}",
httpMode: 'POST',
customHeaders: [
[name: 'Content-Type', value: 'application/json'],
[name: 'Authorization', value: "token ${env.GITEA_TOKEN}"]
requestBody: """
"state": "${state}",
"target_url": "${env.BUILD_URL}",
"description": "${description}",
"context": "continuous-integration/jenkins"