#### This note shows data obtained from Gynecologists and obstetricians on the nobat ir site. ![[high_res_chart_3.png]] A few of these users have Fellowship or sub specialist degree. The highest amount in this field is for **Infertility&IVF** and **Perinatology**. ![[high_res_chart_3 1.png]] Most of the specialists who use this website are from city of Tehran. After **Tehran**, the cities of **Mashhad**, **Shizar** and **Esfahan** are in the next ranks. ![[Pasted image 20241022140401.png]] ![[iran_cities_colored_map_with_labels 2.html]] in this link you can see **the distribution of OB/GYN specialists in Iran. ![[high_res_chart_tehran_items.png]] because must of Gynecologists and obstetricians was from tehran, an attempt was made to investigate the neighborhoods where these doctors work through the information of their profiles. ![[Pasted image 20241022140706.png]] ![[tehran_neighborhoods_colored_map 2.html]] in this link you can see **the distribution of OB/GYN specialists in Tehran.