#### This note shows data obtained from radiologists on the doctor doctor site. ![[genders 1.png]] According to the data obtained from the profiles of more than **1,700 radiologist** users, based on their names, it has been determined that approximately **36%** are women and **64%** are men. ![[high_res_chart_3 2.png]] A few of these users have Fellowship or sub specialist degree. The highest amount in this field is for **oral imaging subspecialties** and **echocardiography**, which are not included in the scope of our product users. The rest of the sub-specialties are also related to the fields of **interventional imaging**, which are not currently among the users of the desired product. ![[high_res_chart_top_100_2.png]] For more accuracy, the first 500 profiles on the Doctor Doctor website have been checked separately because they include more active profiles on the website and it seems that the number of **echocardiography** is higher among the first 500 profiles. ![[high_res_chart_2 2.png]]Most of the radiologists who use this website are from city of Tehran. After **Tehran**, the cities of **Shizar**, **Tabriz** and **Mashhad** are in the next ranks. ![[Pasted image 20241022135010.png]] ![[iran_cities_colored_map_with_labels.html]] in this link you can see **the distribution of radiologists in Iran**. ![[high_res_chart_tehran_items.png]] because must of radiologists was from tehran, an attempt was made to investigate the neighborhoods where these doctors work through the information of their profiles.