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// Copyright 2016-2018 by Martin Moene
// https://github.com/martinmoene/variant-lite
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#pragma once
#define variant_lite_VERSION "1.0.0"
// variant-lite configuration:
// Compiler detection:
#ifdef _MSVC_LANG
# define variant_MSVC_LANG _MSVC_LANG
# define variant_MSVC_LANG 0
#define variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER ( __cplusplus >= 201103L || variant_MSVC_LANG >= 201103L )
#define variant_CPP14_OR_GREATER ( __cplusplus >= 201402L || variant_MSVC_LANG >= 201703L )
#define variant_CPP17_OR_GREATER ( __cplusplus >= 201703L || variant_MSVC_LANG >= 201703L )
// use C++17 std::variant if available:
#if defined( __has_include )
# define variant_HAS_INCLUDE( arg ) __has_include( arg )
# define variant_HAS_INCLUDE( arg ) 0
#if variant_HAS_INCLUDE( <variant> ) && variant_CPP17_OR_GREATER
#define variant_HAVE_STD_VARIANT 1
#include <variant>
# define variant_size_V(T) nonstd::variant_size<T>::value
# define variant_alternative_T(I,T) typename nonstd::variant_alternative<I,T >::type
namespace nonstd {
using std::variant;
using std::monostate;
using std::bad_variant_access;
using std::variant_size;
using std::variant_size_v;
using std::variant_alternative;
using std::variant_alternative_t;
using std::hash;
using std::in_place;
using std::in_place_type;
using std::in_place_index;
using std::in_place_t;
using std::in_place_type_t;
using std::in_place_index_t;
using std::visit;
using std::holds_alternative;
using std::get;
using std::get_if;
using std::operator==;
using std::operator!=;
using std::operator<;
using std::operator<=;
using std::operator>;
using std::operator>=;
using std::swap;
constexpr auto variant_npos = std::variant_npos;
#else // C++17 std::variant
#include <cstddef>
#include <limits>
#include <new>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
// variant-lite alignment configuration:
#ifndef variant_CONFIG_MAX_ALIGN_HACK
# define variant_CONFIG_MAX_ALIGN_HACK 0
#ifndef variant_CONFIG_ALIGN_AS
// no default, used in #if defined()
# define variant_CONFIG_ALIGN_AS_FALLBACK double
// half-open range [lo..hi):
#define variant_BETWEEN( v, lo, hi ) ( lo <= v && v < hi )
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
# define variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION (_MSC_VER / 100 - 5 - (_MSC_VER < 1900))
# define variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION 0
#if defined __GNUC__
# define variant_COMPILER_GNUC_VERSION __GNUC__
# define variant_COMPILER_GNUC_VERSION 0
#if variant_BETWEEN(variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION, 7, 14 )
# pragma warning( push )
# pragma warning( disable: 4345 ) // initialization behavior changed
// Presence of C++11 language features:
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER || variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION >= 10
# define variant_HAVE_AUTO 1
# define variant_HAVE_NULLPTR 1
# define variant_HAVE_STATIC_ASSERT 1
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER || variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION >= 12
# define variant_HAVE_INITIALIZER_LIST 1
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER || variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION >= 14
# define variant_HAVE_ALIAS_TEMPLATE 1
# define variant_HAVE_CONSTEXPR_11 1
# define variant_HAVE_ENUM_CLASS 1
# define variant_HAVE_IS_DEFAULT 1
# define variant_HAVE_IS_DELETE 1
# define variant_HAVE_NOEXCEPT 1
# define variant_HAVE_OVERRIDE 1
// Presence of C++14 language features:
#if variant_CPP14_OR_GREATER
# define variant_HAVE_CONSTEXPR_14 1
// Presence of C++17 language features:
#if variant_CPP17_OR_GREATER
// Presence of C++ library features:
# define variant_HAVE_TR1_TYPE_TRAITS 1
# define variant_HAVE_TR1_ADD_POINTER 1
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER || variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION >= 9
# define variant_HAVE_TYPE_TRAITS 1
# define variant_HAVE_STD_ADD_POINTER 1
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER || variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION >= 11
# define variant_HAVE_ARRAY 1
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER || variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION >= 12
# define variant_HAVE_CONDITIONAL 1
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER || variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION >= 14 || (variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION >= 9 && _HAS_CPP0X)
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER || variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION >= 12
# define variant_HAVE_REMOVE_CV 1
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER || variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION >= 14
# define variant_HAVE_SIZED_TYPES 1
// For the rest, consider VC14 as C++11 for variant-lite:
#if variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION >= 14
# undef variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
# define variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER 1
// C++ feature usage:
#if variant_HAVE_CONSTEXPR_11
# define variant_constexpr constexpr
# define variant_constexpr /*constexpr*/
#if variant_HAVE_CONSTEXPR_14
# define variant_constexpr14 constexpr
# define variant_constexpr14 /*constexpr*/
#if variant_HAVE_NOEXCEPT
# define variant_noexcept noexcept
# define variant_noexcept /*noexcept*/
#if variant_HAVE_NULLPTR
# define variant_nullptr nullptr
# define variant_nullptr NULL
#if variant_HAVE_OVERRIDE
# define variant_override override
# define variant_override /*override*/
// additional includes:
# include <initializer_list>
#if variant_HAVE_TYPE_TRAITS
# include <type_traits>
#elif variant_HAVE_TR1_TYPE_TRAITS
# include <tr1/type_traits>
// in_place: code duplicated in any-lite, optional-lite, variant-lite:
#if ! nonstd_lite_HAVE_IN_PLACE_TYPES
namespace nonstd {
namespace detail {
template< class T >
struct in_place_type_tag {};
template< std::size_t I >
struct in_place_index_tag {};
} // namespace detail
struct in_place_t {};
template< class T >
inline in_place_t in_place( detail::in_place_type_tag<T> = detail::in_place_type_tag<T>() )
return in_place_t();
template< std::size_t I >
inline in_place_t in_place( detail::in_place_index_tag<I> = detail::in_place_index_tag<I>() )
return in_place_t();
template< class T >
inline in_place_t in_place_type( detail::in_place_type_tag<T> = detail::in_place_type_tag<T>() )
return in_place_t();
template< std::size_t I >
inline in_place_t in_place_index( detail::in_place_index_tag<I> = detail::in_place_index_tag<I>() )
return in_place_t();
// mimic templated typedef:
#define nonstd_lite_in_place_type_t( T) nonstd::in_place_t(&)( nonstd::detail::in_place_type_tag<T> )
#define nonstd_lite_in_place_index_t(T) nonstd::in_place_t(&)( nonstd::detail::in_place_index_tag<I> )
#define nonstd_lite_HAVE_IN_PLACE_TYPES 1
} // namespace nonstd
#endif // nonstd_lite_HAVE_IN_PLACE_TYPES
// variant:
namespace nonstd { namespace variants {
namespace detail {
// C++11 emulation:
using std::add_pointer;
#elif variant_HAVE_TR1_ADD_POINTER
using std::tr1::add_pointer;
template< class T > struct remove_reference { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct remove_reference<T&> { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct add_pointer
typedef typename remove_reference<T>::type * type;
#endif // variant_HAVE_STD_ADD_POINTER
#if variant_HAVE_REMOVE_CV
using std::remove_cv;
template< class T > struct remove_const { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct remove_const<const T> { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct remove_volatile { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct remove_volatile<volatile T> { typedef T type; };
template< class T >
struct remove_cv
typedef typename remove_volatile<typename remove_const<T>::type>::type type;
#endif // variant_HAVE_REMOVE_CV
using std::conditional;
template< bool Cond, class Then, class Else >
struct conditional;
template< class Then, class Else >
struct conditional< true , Then, Else > { typedef Then type; };
template< class Then, class Else >
struct conditional< false, Then, Else > { typedef Else type; };
#endif // variant_HAVE_CONDITIONAL
// typelist:
#define variant_TL1( T1 ) detail::typelist< T1, detail::nulltype >
#define variant_TL2( T1, T2 ) detail::typelist< T1, variant_TL1( T2) >
#define variant_TL3( T1, T2, T3 ) detail::typelist< T1, variant_TL2( T2, T3 ) >
#define variant_TL4( T1, T2, T3, T4 ) detail::typelist< T1, variant_TL3( T2, T3, T4 ) >
#define variant_TL5( T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 ) detail::typelist< T1, variant_TL4( T2, T3, T4, T5 ) >
#define variant_TL6( T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 ) detail::typelist< T1, variant_TL5( T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 ) >
#define variant_TL7( T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 ) detail::typelist< T1, variant_TL6( T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 ) >
// variant parameter unused type tags:
template< class T >
struct TX : T
inline TX<T> operator+ ( ) const { return TX<T>(); }
inline TX<T> operator- ( ) const { return TX<T>(); }
inline TX<T> operator! ( ) const { return TX<T>(); }
inline TX<T> operator~ ( ) const { return TX<T>(); }
inline TX<T>*operator& ( ) const { return variant_nullptr; }
template< class U > inline TX<T> operator* ( U const & ) const { return TX<T>(); }
template< class U > inline TX<T> operator/ ( U const & ) const { return TX<T>(); }
template< class U > inline TX<T> operator% ( U const & ) const { return TX<T>(); }
template< class U > inline TX<T> operator+ ( U const & ) const { return TX<T>(); }
template< class U > inline TX<T> operator- ( U const & ) const { return TX<T>(); }
template< class U > inline TX<T> operator<<( U const & ) const { return TX<T>(); }
template< class U > inline TX<T> operator>>( U const & ) const { return TX<T>(); }
inline bool operator==( T const & ) const { return false; }
inline bool operator< ( T const & ) const { return false; }
template< class U > inline TX<T> operator& ( U const & ) const { return TX<T>(); }
template< class U > inline TX<T> operator| ( U const & ) const { return TX<T>(); }
template< class U > inline TX<T> operator^ ( U const & ) const { return TX<T>(); }
template< class U > inline TX<T> operator&&( U const & ) const { return TX<T>(); }
template< class U > inline TX<T> operator||( U const & ) const { return TX<T>(); }
struct S0{}; typedef TX<S0> T0;
struct S1{}; typedef TX<S1> T1;
struct S2{}; typedef TX<S2> T2;
struct S3{}; typedef TX<S3> T3;
struct S4{}; typedef TX<S4> T4;
struct S5{}; typedef TX<S5> T5;
struct S6{}; typedef TX<S6> T6;
struct nulltype{};
template< class Head, class Tail >
struct typelist
typedef Head head;
typedef Tail tail;
// typelist max element size:
template< class List >
struct typelist_max;
template <>
struct typelist_max< nulltype >
enum { value = 0 } ;
typedef void type;
template< class Head, class Tail >
struct typelist_max< typelist<Head, Tail> >
enum { tail_value = size_t( typelist_max<Tail>::value ) };
typedef typename typelist_max<Tail>::type tail_type;
enum { value = (sizeof( Head ) > tail_value) ? sizeof( Head ) : std::size_t( tail_value ) } ;
typedef typename conditional< (sizeof( Head ) > tail_value), Head, tail_type>::type type;
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
// typelist max alignof element type:
template< class List >
struct typelist_max_alignof;
template <>
struct typelist_max_alignof< nulltype >
enum { value = 0 } ;
template< class Head, class Tail >
struct typelist_max_alignof< typelist<Head, Tail> >
enum { tail_value = size_t( typelist_max_alignof<Tail>::value ) };
enum { value = (alignof( Head ) > tail_value) ? alignof( Head ) : std::size_t( tail_value ) };
// typelist size (length):
template< class List >
struct typelist_size
enum { value = 1 };
template<> struct typelist_size< T0 > { enum { value = 0 }; };
template<> struct typelist_size< T1 > { enum { value = 0 }; };
template<> struct typelist_size< T2 > { enum { value = 0 }; };
template<> struct typelist_size< T3 > { enum { value = 0 }; };
template<> struct typelist_size< T4 > { enum { value = 0 }; };
template<> struct typelist_size< T5 > { enum { value = 0 }; };
template<> struct typelist_size< T6 > { enum { value = 0 }; };
template<> struct typelist_size< nulltype > { enum { value = 0 } ; };
template< class Head, class Tail >
struct typelist_size< typelist<Head, Tail> >
enum { value = typelist_size<Head>::value + typelist_size<Tail>::value };
// typelist index of type:
template< class List, class T >
struct typelist_index_of;
template< class T >
struct typelist_index_of< nulltype, T >
enum { value = -1 };
template< class Tail, class T >
struct typelist_index_of< typelist<T, Tail>, T >
enum { value = 0 };
template< class Head, class Tail, class T >
struct typelist_index_of< typelist<Head, Tail>, T >
enum { nextVal = typelist_index_of<Tail, T>::value };
enum { value = nextVal == -1 ? -1 : 1 + nextVal } ;
// typelist type at index:
template< class List, std::size_t i>
struct typelist_type_at;
template< class Head, class Tail >
struct typelist_type_at< typelist<Head, Tail>, 0 >
typedef Head type;
template< class Head, class Tail, std::size_t i >
struct typelist_type_at< typelist<Head, Tail>, i >
typedef typename typelist_type_at<Tail, i - 1>::type type;
// Max align, use most restricted type for alignment:
#define variant_UNIQUE( name ) variant_UNIQUE2( name, __LINE__ )
#define variant_UNIQUE2( name, line ) variant_UNIQUE3( name, line )
#define variant_UNIQUE3( name, line ) name ## line
#define variant_ALIGN_TYPE( type ) \
type variant_UNIQUE( _t ); struct_t< type > variant_UNIQUE( _st )
template< class T >
struct struct_t { T _; };
union max_align_t
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( char );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( short int );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( int );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( long int );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( float );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( double );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( long double );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( char * );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( short int * );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( int * );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( long int * );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( float * );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( double * );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( long double * );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( void * );
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( long long );
struct Unknown;
Unknown ( * variant_UNIQUE(_) )( Unknown );
Unknown * Unknown::* variant_UNIQUE(_);
Unknown ( Unknown::* variant_UNIQUE(_) )( Unknown );
struct_t< Unknown ( * )( Unknown) > variant_UNIQUE(_);
struct_t< Unknown * Unknown::* > variant_UNIQUE(_);
struct_t< Unknown ( Unknown::* )(Unknown) > variant_UNIQUE(_);
#undef variant_UNIQUE
#undef variant_UNIQUE2
#undef variant_UNIQUE3
#undef variant_ALIGN_TYPE
#elif defined( variant_CONFIG_ALIGN_AS ) // variant_CONFIG_MAX_ALIGN_HACK
// Use user-specified type for alignment:
#define variant_ALIGN_AS( unused ) \
#else // variant_CONFIG_MAX_ALIGN_HACK
// Determine POD type to use for alignment:
#define variant_ALIGN_AS( to_align ) \
typename detail::type_of_size< detail::alignment_types, detail::alignment_of< to_align >::value >::type
template <typename T>
struct alignment_of;
template <typename T>
struct alignment_of_hack
char c;
T t;
template <unsigned A, unsigned S>
struct alignment_logic
enum { value = A < S ? A : S };
template< typename T >
struct alignment_of
enum { value = alignment_logic<
sizeof( alignment_of_hack<T> ) - sizeof(T), sizeof(T) >::value, };
template< typename List, size_t N >
struct type_of_size
typedef typename conditional<
N == sizeof( typename List::head ),
typename List::head,
typename type_of_size<typename List::tail, N >::type >::type type;
template< size_t N >
struct type_of_size< nulltype, N >
typedef variant_CONFIG_ALIGN_AS_FALLBACK type;
template< typename T>
struct struct_t { T _; };
#define variant_ALIGN_TYPE( type ) \
typelist< type , typelist< struct_t< type >
struct Unknown;
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( char ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( short ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( int ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( long ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( float ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( double ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( long double ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( char *),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( short * ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( int * ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( long * ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( float * ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( double * ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( long double * ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( Unknown ( * )( Unknown ) ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( Unknown * Unknown::* ),
variant_ALIGN_TYPE( Unknown ( Unknown::* )( Unknown ) ),
> > > > > > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > >
#undef variant_ALIGN_TYPE
#endif // variant_CONFIG_MAX_ALIGN_HACK
template< typename T>
inline std::size_t hash( T const & v )
// primes:
unsigned const int a = 54059;
unsigned const int b = 76963;
unsigned const int h0 = 37;
unsigned int h = h0;
unsigned char const * s = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const *>( &v );
for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(v); ++i, ++s )
h = (h * a) ^ (*s * b);
return h;
template< class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
struct helper
typedef signed char type_index_t;
typedef variant_TL7( T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 ) variant_types;
template< class U >
static U * as( void * data )
return reinterpret_cast<U*>( data );
template< class U >
static U const * as( void const * data )
return reinterpret_cast<const U*>( data );
static type_index_t to_index_t( std::size_t index )
return static_cast<type_index_t>( index );
static void destroy( std::size_t index, void * data )
switch ( index )
case 0: as<T0>( data )->~T0(); break;
case 1: as<T1>( data )->~T1(); break;
case 2: as<T2>( data )->~T2(); break;
case 3: as<T3>( data )->~T3(); break;
case 4: as<T4>( data )->~T4(); break;
case 5: as<T5>( data )->~T5(); break;
case 6: as<T6>( data )->~T6(); break;
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
template< class T, class... Args >
static type_index_t construct_t( void * data, Args&&... args )
new( data ) T( std::forward<Args>(args)... );
return to_index_t( detail::typelist_index_of< variant_types, T>::value );
template< std::size_t I, class... Args >
static type_index_t construct_i( void * data, Args&&... args )
using type = typename detail::typelist_type_at< variant_types, I >::type;
construct_t< type >( data, std::forward<Args>(args)... );
return to_index_t( I );
static type_index_t move( std::size_t const from_index, void * from_value, void * to_value )
switch ( from_index )
case 0: new( to_value ) T0( std::forward<T0>( *as<T0>( from_value ) ) ); break;
case 1: new( to_value ) T1( std::forward<T1>( *as<T1>( from_value ) ) ); break;
case 2: new( to_value ) T2( std::forward<T2>( *as<T2>( from_value ) ) ); break;
case 3: new( to_value ) T3( std::forward<T3>( *as<T3>( from_value ) ) ); break;
case 4: new( to_value ) T4( std::forward<T4>( *as<T4>( from_value ) ) ); break;
case 5: new( to_value ) T5( std::forward<T5>( *as<T5>( from_value ) ) ); break;
case 6: new( to_value ) T6( std::forward<T6>( *as<T6>( from_value ) ) ); break;
return to_index_t( from_index );
static type_index_t copy( std::size_t const from_index, const void * from_value, void * to_value )
switch ( from_index )
case 0: new( to_value ) T0( *as<T0>( from_value ) ); break;
case 1: new( to_value ) T1( *as<T1>( from_value ) ); break;
case 2: new( to_value ) T2( *as<T2>( from_value ) ); break;
case 3: new( to_value ) T3( *as<T3>( from_value ) ); break;
case 4: new( to_value ) T4( *as<T4>( from_value ) ); break;
case 5: new( to_value ) T5( *as<T5>( from_value ) ); break;
case 6: new( to_value ) T6( *as<T6>( from_value ) ); break;
return to_index_t( from_index );
} // namespace detail
// Variant:
template< class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
class variant;
class monostate{};
inline variant_constexpr bool operator< ( monostate, monostate ) variant_noexcept { return false; }
inline variant_constexpr bool operator> ( monostate, monostate ) variant_noexcept { return false; }
inline variant_constexpr bool operator<=( monostate, monostate ) variant_noexcept { return true; }
inline variant_constexpr bool operator>=( monostate, monostate ) variant_noexcept { return true; }
inline variant_constexpr bool operator==( monostate, monostate ) variant_noexcept { return true; }
inline variant_constexpr bool operator!=( monostate, monostate ) variant_noexcept { return false; }
// obtain the size of the variant's list of alternatives at compile time
template< class T >
struct variant_size; /* undefined */
template< class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
struct variant_size< variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> >
enum _ { value = detail::typelist_size< variant_TL7(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) >::value };
#if variant_CPP14_OR_GREATER
template< class T >
constexpr std::size_t variant_size_v = variant_size<T>::value;
# define variant_size_V(T) nonstd::variant_size<T>::value
// obtain the type of the alternative specified by its index, at compile time:
template< std::size_t I, class T >
struct variant_alternative; /* undefined */
template< std::size_t I, class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
struct variant_alternative< I, variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> >
typedef typename detail::typelist_type_at<variant_TL7(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6), I>::type type;
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
template< std::size_t I, class T >
using variant_alternative_t = typename variant_alternative<I, T>::type;
# define variant_alternative_T(I,T) typename nonstd::variant_alternative<I,T >::type
// NTS:implement specializes the std::uses_allocator type trait
// std::uses_allocator<nonstd::variant>
// index of the variant in the invalid state (constant)
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
variant_constexpr std::size_t variant_npos = static_cast<std::size_t>( -1 );
static const std::size_t variant_npos = static_cast<std::size_t>( -1 );
class bad_variant_access : public std::exception
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
virtual const char* what() const variant_noexcept variant_override
virtual const char* what() const throw()
return "bad variant access";
class T0,
class T1 = detail::T1,
class T2 = detail::T2,
class T3 = detail::T3,
class T4 = detail::T4,
class T5 = detail::T5,
class T6 = detail::T6
class variant
typedef detail::helper< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > helper_type;
typedef variant_TL7( T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 ) variant_types;
variant() : type_index( 0 ) { new( ptr() ) T0(); }
variant( T0 const & t0 ) : type_index( 0 ) { new( ptr() ) T0( t0 ); }
variant( T1 const & t1 ) : type_index( 1 ) { new( ptr() ) T1( t1 ); }
variant( T2 const & t2 ) : type_index( 2 ) { new( ptr() ) T2( t2 ); }
variant( T3 const & t3 ) : type_index( 3 ) { new( ptr() ) T3( t3 ); }
variant( T4 const & t4 ) : type_index( 4 ) { new( ptr() ) T4( t4 ); }
variant( T5 const & t5 ) : type_index( 5 ) { new( ptr() ) T5( t5 ); }
variant( T6 const & t6 ) : type_index( 6 ) { new( ptr() ) T6( t6 ); }
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
variant( T0 && t0 ) : type_index( 0 ) { new( ptr() ) T0( std::move( t0 ) ); }
variant( T1 && t1 ) : type_index( 1 ) { new( ptr() ) T1( std::move( t1 ) ); }
variant( T2 && t2 ) : type_index( 2 ) { new( ptr() ) T2( std::move( t2 ) ); }
variant( T3 && t3 ) : type_index( 3 ) { new( ptr() ) T3( std::move( t3 ) ); }
variant( T4 && t4 ) : type_index( 4 ) { new( ptr() ) T4( std::move( t4 ) ); }
variant( T5 && t5 ) : type_index( 5 ) { new( ptr() ) T5( std::move( t5 ) ); }
variant( T6 && t6 ) : type_index( 6 ) { new( ptr() ) T6( std::move( t6 ) ); }
variant(variant const & rhs)
: type_index( rhs.type_index )
(void) helper_type::copy( rhs.type_index, rhs.ptr(), ptr() );
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
variant( variant && rhs )
: type_index( rhs.type_index )
(void) helper_type::move( rhs.type_index, rhs.ptr(), ptr() );
template< std::size_t I >
using type_at_t = typename detail::typelist_type_at< variant_types, I >::type;
template< class T, class... Args,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< T, Args...>::value>::type >
explicit variant( nonstd_lite_in_place_type_t(T), Args&&... args)
type_index = variant_npos_internal();
type_index = helper_type::template construct_t<T>( ptr(), std::forward<Args>(args)... );
template< class T, class U, class... Args,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< T, std::initializer_list<U>&, Args...>::value>::type >
explicit variant( nonstd_lite_in_place_type_t(T), std::initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args )
type_index = variant_npos_internal();
type_index = helper_type::template construct_t<T>( ptr(), il, std::forward<Args>(args)... );
template< std::size_t I, class... Args,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< type_at_t<I>, Args...>::value>::type >
explicit variant( nonstd_lite_in_place_index_t(I), Args&&... args )
type_index = variant_npos_internal();
type_index = helper_type::template construct_i<I>( ptr(), std::forward<Args>(args)... );
template <size_t I, class U, class... Args,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< type_at_t<I>, std::initializer_list<U>&, Args...>::value >::type >
explicit variant( nonstd_lite_in_place_index_t(I), std::initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args )
type_index = variant_npos_internal();
type_index = helper_type::template construct_i<I>( ptr(), il, std::forward<Args>(args)... );
#endif // variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
helper_type::destroy( index(), ptr() );
variant & operator=( variant const & rhs )
return copy_assign( rhs );
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
variant & operator=( variant && rhs )
return move_assign( std::forward<variant>( rhs ) );
variant & operator=( T0 && t0 ) { return move_assign_value<T0,0>( std::forward<T0>( t0 ) ); }
variant & operator=( T1 && t1 ) { return move_assign_value<T1,1>( std::forward<T1>( t1 ) ); }
variant & operator=( T2 && t2 ) { return move_assign_value<T2,2>( std::forward<T2>( t2 ) ); }
variant & operator=( T3 && t3 ) { return move_assign_value<T3,3>( std::forward<T3>( t3 ) ); }
variant & operator=( T4 && t4 ) { return move_assign_value<T4,4>( std::forward<T4>( t4 ) ); }
variant & operator=( T5 && t5 ) { return move_assign_value<T5,5>( std::forward<T5>( t5 ) ); }
variant & operator=( T6 && t6 ) { return move_assign_value<T6,6>( std::forward<T6>( t6 ) ); }
variant & operator=( T0 const & t0 ) { return copy_assign_value<T0,0>( t0 ); }
variant & operator=( T1 const & t1 ) { return copy_assign_value<T1,1>( t1 ); }
variant & operator=( T2 const & t2 ) { return copy_assign_value<T2,2>( t2 ); }
variant & operator=( T3 const & t3 ) { return copy_assign_value<T3,3>( t3 ); }
variant & operator=( T4 const & t4 ) { return copy_assign_value<T4,4>( t4 ); }
variant & operator=( T5 const & t5 ) { return copy_assign_value<T5,5>( t5 ); }
variant & operator=( T6 const & t6 ) { return copy_assign_value<T6,6>( t6 ); }
std::size_t index() const
return variant_npos_internal() == type_index ? variant_npos : type_index;
bool valueless_by_exception() const
return type_index == variant_npos_internal();
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
template< class T, class... Args,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< T, Args...>::value>::type >
void emplace( Args&&... args )
helper_type::destroy( type_index, ptr() );
type_index = variant_npos_internal();
type_index = helper_type::template construct_t<T>( ptr(), std::forward<Args>(args)... );
template< class T, class U, class... Args,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< T, std::initializer_list<U>&, Args...>::value>::type >
void emplace( std::initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args )
helper_type::destroy( type_index, ptr() );
type_index = variant_npos_internal();
type_index = helper_type::template construct_t<T>( ptr(), il, std::forward<Args>(args)... );
template< size_t I, class... Args,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< type_at_t<I>, Args...>::value>::type >
void emplace( Args&&... args )
this->template emplace< type_at_t<I> >( std::forward<Args>(args)... );
template< size_t I, class U, class... Args,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< type_at_t<I>, std::initializer_list<U>&, Args...>::value >::type >
void emplace( std::initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args )
this->template emplace< type_at_t<I> >( il, std::forward<Args>(args)... );
#endif // variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
void swap( variant & rhs ) variant_noexcept
if ( valueless_by_exception() && rhs.valueless_by_exception() )
// no effect
else if ( index() == rhs.index() )
this->swap_value( index(), rhs );
variant tmp( *this );
*this = rhs;
rhs = tmp;
// non-standard:
template< class T >
variant_constexpr std::size_t index_of() const variant_noexcept
return detail::typelist_index_of<variant_types, typename detail::remove_cv<T>::type >::value;
template< class T >
T & get()
const std::size_t i = index_of<T>();
if ( i != index() || i == max_index() )
throw bad_variant_access();
return *as<T>();
template< class T >
T const & get() const
const std::size_t i = index_of<T>();
if ( i != index() || i == max_index() )
throw bad_variant_access();
return *as<const T>();
template< std::size_t I >
typename variant_alternative< I, variant >::type &
return this->template get< typename detail::typelist_type_at< variant_types, I >::type >();
template< std::size_t I >
typename variant_alternative< I, variant >::type const &
get() const
return this->template get< typename detail::typelist_type_at< variant_types, I >::type >();
typedef typename helper_type::type_index_t type_index_t;
void * ptr() variant_noexcept
return &data;
void const * ptr() const variant_noexcept
return &data;
template< class U >
U * as()
return reinterpret_cast<U*>( ptr() );
template< class U >
U const * as() const
return reinterpret_cast<U const *>( ptr() );
variant_constexpr std::size_t max_index() const variant_noexcept
return data_size;
variant_constexpr type_index_t variant_npos_internal() const variant_noexcept
return static_cast<type_index_t>( -1 );
variant & copy_assign( variant const & rhs )
if ( valueless_by_exception() && rhs.valueless_by_exception() )
// no effect
else if ( ! valueless_by_exception() && rhs.valueless_by_exception() )
helper_type::destroy( type_index, ptr() );
type_index = variant_npos_internal();
else if ( index() == rhs.index() )
type_index = helper_type::copy( rhs.type_index, rhs.ptr(), ptr() );
// alas exception safety with pre-C++11 needs an extra copy:
variant tmp( rhs );
helper_type::destroy( type_index, ptr() );
type_index = variant_npos_internal();
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
type_index = helper_type::move( rhs.type_index, tmp.ptr(), ptr() );
type_index = helper_type::copy( rhs.type_index, tmp.ptr(), ptr() );
return *this;
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
variant & move_assign( variant && rhs )
if ( valueless_by_exception() && rhs.valueless_by_exception() )
// no effect
else if ( ! valueless_by_exception() && rhs.valueless_by_exception() )
helper_type::destroy( type_index, ptr() );
type_index = variant_npos_internal();
else if ( index() == rhs.index() )
type_index = helper_type::move( rhs.type_index, rhs.ptr(), ptr() );
helper_type::destroy( type_index, ptr() );
type_index = variant_npos_internal();
type_index = helper_type::move( rhs.type_index, rhs.ptr(), ptr() );
return *this;
template< class T, std::size_t I >
variant & move_assign_value( T && value )
if( index() == I )
*as<T>() = std::forward<T>( value );
helper_type::destroy( type_index, ptr() );
type_index = variant_npos_internal();
new( ptr() ) T( std::forward<T>( value ) );
type_index = I;
return *this;
template< class T, std::size_t I >
variant & copy_assign_value( T const & value )
if( index() == I )
*as<T>() = value;
helper_type::destroy( type_index, ptr() );
type_index = variant_npos_internal();
new( ptr() ) T( value );
type_index = I;
return *this;
#endif // variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
void swap_value( std::size_t index, variant & rhs )
using std::swap;
switch( index )
case 0: swap( this->get<0>(), rhs.get<0>() ); break;
case 1: swap( this->get<1>(), rhs.get<1>() ); break;
case 2: swap( this->get<2>(), rhs.get<2>() ); break;
case 3: swap( this->get<3>(), rhs.get<3>() ); break;
case 4: swap( this->get<4>(), rhs.get<4>() ); break;
case 5: swap( this->get<5>(), rhs.get<5>() ); break;
case 6: swap( this->get<6>(), rhs.get<6>() ); break;
enum { data_size = detail::typelist_max< variant_types >::value };
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
enum { data_align = detail::typelist_max_alignof< variant_types >::value };
using aligned_storage_t = typename std::aligned_storage< data_size, data_align >::type;
aligned_storage_t data;
typedef union { unsigned char data[ data_size ]; } aligned_storage_t;
detail::max_align_t hack;
aligned_storage_t data;
typedef typename detail::typelist_max< variant_types >::type max_type;
typedef variant_ALIGN_AS( max_type ) align_as_type;
typedef union { align_as_type data[ 1 + ( data_size - 1 ) / sizeof(align_as_type) ]; } aligned_storage_t;
aligned_storage_t data;
// # undef variant_ALIGN_AS
#endif // variant_CONFIG_MAX_ALIGN_HACK
type_index_t type_index;
template <class T, class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline bool holds_alternative( variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & v ) variant_noexcept
return v.index() == v.template index_of<T>();
template< class R, class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline R & get( variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> & v, nonstd_lite_in_place_type_t(R) = in_place<R> )
return v.template get<R>();
template< class R, class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline R const & get( variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & v, nonstd_lite_in_place_type_t(R) = in_place<R> )
return v.template get<R>();
template< std::size_t I, class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline typename variant_alternative< I, variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> >::type &
get( variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> & v, nonstd_lite_in_place_index_t(I) = in_place<I> )
if ( I != v.index() )
throw bad_variant_access();
return v.template get<I>();
template< std::size_t I, class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline typename variant_alternative< I, variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> >::type const &
get( variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & v, nonstd_lite_in_place_index_t(I) = in_place<I> )
if ( I != v.index() )
throw bad_variant_access();
return v.template get<I>();
template< class T, class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline typename detail::add_pointer<T>::type
get_if( variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> * pv, nonstd_lite_in_place_type_t(T) = in_place<T> )
return ( pv->index() == pv->template index_of<T>() ) ? &get<T>( *pv ) : variant_nullptr;
template< class T, class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline typename detail::add_pointer<const T>::type
get_if( variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const * pv, nonstd_lite_in_place_type_t(T) = in_place<T>)
return ( pv->index() == pv->template index_of<T>() ) ? &get<T>( *pv ) : variant_nullptr;
template< std::size_t I, class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline typename detail::add_pointer< typename variant_alternative<I, variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> >::type >::type
get_if( variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> * pv, nonstd_lite_in_place_index_t(I) = in_place<I> )
return ( pv->index() == I ) ? &get<I>( *pv ) : variant_nullptr;
template< std::size_t I, class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline typename detail::add_pointer< const typename variant_alternative<I, variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> >::type >::type
get_if( variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const * pv, nonstd_lite_in_place_index_t(I) = in_place<I> )
return ( pv->index() == I ) ? &get<I>( *pv ) : variant_nullptr;
template< class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5 >
inline void swap(
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> & a,
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> & b ) variant_noexcept
a.swap( b );
// template <class Visitor, class... Variants>
// visit( Visitor&& vis, Variants&&... vars );
// The following visit is restricted with respect to the standard.
// It uses the common idiom is to return anrhs variant:
template< class Visitor, class Variant >
inline Variant visit( Visitor const & vis, Variant const & v )
if ( v.valueless_by_exception() )
throw bad_variant_access();
switch( v.index() )
case 0: return vis( get<0>( v ) );
case 1: return vis( get<1>( v ) );
case 2: return vis( get<2>( v ) );
case 3: return vis( get<3>( v ) );
case 4: return vis( get<4>( v ) );
case 5: return vis( get<5>( v ) );
case 6: return vis( get<6>( v ) );
default: return Variant();
namespace detail {
template< class Variant >
struct Comparator
static inline bool equal( Variant const & v, Variant const & w )
switch( v.index() )
case 0: return get<0>( v ) == get<0>( w );
case 1: return get<1>( v ) == get<1>( w );
case 2: return get<2>( v ) == get<2>( w );
case 3: return get<3>( v ) == get<3>( w );
case 4: return get<4>( v ) == get<4>( w );
case 5: return get<5>( v ) == get<5>( w );
case 6: return get<6>( v ) == get<6>( w );
default: return false;
static inline bool less_than( Variant const & v, Variant const & w )
switch( v.index() )
case 0: return get<0>( v ) < get<0>( w );
case 1: return get<1>( v ) < get<1>( w );
case 2: return get<2>( v ) < get<2>( w );
case 3: return get<3>( v ) < get<3>( w );
case 4: return get<4>( v ) < get<4>( w );
case 5: return get<5>( v ) < get<5>( w );
case 6: return get<6>( v ) < get<6>( w );
default: return false;
} //namespace detail
template< class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline bool operator==(
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & v,
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & w )
if ( v.index() != w.index() ) return false;
else if ( v.valueless_by_exception() ) return true;
else return detail::Comparator< variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> >::equal( v, w );
template< class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline bool operator!=(
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & v,
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & w )
return ! ( v == w );
template< class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline bool operator<(
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & v,
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & w )
if ( w.valueless_by_exception() ) return false;
else if ( v.valueless_by_exception() ) return true;
else if ( v.index() < w.index() ) return true;
else if ( v.index() > w.index() ) return false;
else return detail::Comparator< variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> >::less_than( v, w );
template< class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline bool operator>(
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & v,
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & w )
return w < v;
template< class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline bool operator<=(
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & v,
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & w )
return ! ( v > w );
template< class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
inline bool operator>=(
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & v,
variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & w )
return ! ( v < w );
} // namespace variants
using namespace variants;
} // namespace nonstd
#if variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
// specialize the std::hash algorithm:
namespace std {
struct hash< nonstd::monostate >
std::size_t operator()( nonstd::monostate ) const variant_noexcept
return 42;
template< class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6 >
struct hash< nonstd::variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> >
std::size_t operator()( nonstd::variant<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> const & v ) const variant_noexcept
return nonstd::variants::detail::hash( v );
} //namespace std
#endif // variant_CPP11_OR_GREATER
#if variant_BETWEEN(variant_COMPILER_MSVC_VERSION, 10, 14 )
# pragma warning( pop )
#endif // have C++17 std::variant