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177 lines
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#include <tuple>
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QCache>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtCore/QPointer>
#include <QtCore/QUrl>
#include <QtCore/QQueue>
#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
#include <QtQml/QQmlComponent>
#include <QtMvvmCore/ViewModel>
#include <QtMvvmCore/Messages>
#include <QtMvvmQuick/InputViewFactory>
namespace de::skycoder42::QtMvvm::Quick {
/*! @brief A QML singleton to access common presenter methods globally
* @extends QtQml.QtObject
* @since 1.0
* The main purpose of the class is to create a communication channel between the QML code and
* the C++ presenter logic.
* @sa QtMvvm::QuickPresenter
class QuickPresenter : public QtObject
namespace QtMvvm {
class QQmlQuickPresenter : public QObject
/*! @brief The name of the currently active Quick Controls 2 Style
* @default{`QQuickStyle::name()`}
* @accessors{
* @memberAc{currentStyle}
* @readonlyAc
* @constantAc
* }
Q_PROPERTY(QString currentStyle READ currentStyle CONSTANT)
/*! @brief The view factory provided by the C++ presenter
* @default{`QtMvvm::QuickPresenter::inputViewFactory`}
* @accessors{
* @memberAc{inputViewFactory}
* @notifyAc{inputViewFactoryChanged()}
* @readonlyAc
* }
Q_PROPERTY(InputViewFactory* inputViewFactory READ inputViewFactory NOTIFY inputViewFactoryChanged)
/*! @brief The primary presenter QML object.
* @default{`null`}
* This property must be set in the root QML component that is loaded by the qml
* application in order to actually make presenting possible. When using the QtMvvmApp,
* this is take care of automatically.
* @accessors{
* @memberAc{qmlPresenter}
* @notifyAc{qmlPresenterChanged()}
* }
* @sa QtMvvmApp
Q_PROPERTY(QObject* qmlPresenter MEMBER _qmlPresenter NOTIFY qmlPresenterChanged)
/*! @brief Specifies whether the presenter is currently loading a new view component
* @default{`false`}
* @accessors{
* @memberAc{viewLoading}
* @notifyAc{viewLoadingChanged()}
* @readonlyAc
* }
* @sa QuickPresenter::loadingProgress
Q_PROPERTY(bool viewLoading READ isViewLoading NOTIFY viewLoadingChanged)
/*! @brief Reports the current loading progress when currently loading a new view
* @default{`0.0`}
* Is limited to the interval `[0.0,0.1]`
* @accessors{
* @memberAc{loadingProgress}
* @notifyAc{loadingProgressChanged()}
* @readonlyAc
* }
* @sa QuickPresenter::viewLoading
Q_PROPERTY(qreal loadingProgress READ loadingProgress NOTIFY loadingProgressChanged)
//! @private
explicit QQmlQuickPresenter(QQmlEngine *engine);
//! @private
QString currentStyle() const;
//! @private
InputViewFactory* inputViewFactory() const;
//! @private
bool isViewLoading() const;
//! @private
qreal loadingProgress() const;
#define static
//! Converts a list of mimetypes into a list of extension filters, for a file dialog
Q_INVOKABLE static QStringList mimeTypeFilters(const QStringList &mimeTypes) const;
public Q_SLOTS:
//! Toggles the state of the current drawer, if any is beeing used
static void toggleDrawer();
//! Pops the current top level view
static void popView();
//! Performs haptic feedback of a long press (Android only)
static void hapticLongPress();
#undef static
//! @notifyAcFn{QuickPresenter::qmlPresenter}
void qmlPresenterChanged(QObject* qmlPresenter);
//! @notifyAcFn{QuickPresenter::viewLoading}
void viewLoadingChanged(bool viewLoading);
//! @notifyAcFn{QuickPresenter::loadingProgress}
void loadingProgressChanged(qreal loadingProgress);
//! @notifyAcFn{QuickPresenter::inputViewFactory}
void inputViewFactoryChanged(InputViewFactory* inputViewFactory);
private Q_SLOTS:
void present(QtMvvm::ViewModel *viewModel, const QVariantHash ¶ms, const QUrl &viewUrl, QPointer<QtMvvm::ViewModel> parent);
void showDialog(const QtMvvm::MessageConfig &config, QtMvvm::MessageResult *result);
void statusChanged(QQmlComponent::Status status);
using PresentTuple = std::tuple<QSharedPointer<QQmlComponent>, ViewModel*, QVariantHash, QPointer<ViewModel>>;
QQmlEngine *_engine;
QPointer<QObject> _qmlPresenter;
QPointer<QQmlComponent> _latestComponent;
QCache<QUrl, QSharedPointer<QQmlComponent>> _componentCache;
QQueue<PresentTuple> _loadQueue;
void processShowQueue();
void addObject(QQmlComponent *component, ViewModel *viewModel, const QVariantHash ¶ms, const QPointer<ViewModel> &parent);