#include "cppsettingsgenerator.h" #include <QFileInfo> #define TABS QString{QLatin1Char('\t')}.repeated(intendent) CppSettingsGenerator::CppSettingsGenerator(const QString &hdrPath, const QString &srcPath) : _hdrFile{hdrPath}, _srcFile{srcPath}, _hdr{&_hdrFile}, _src{&_srcFile} {} void CppSettingsGenerator::process(const QString &inPath) { // read settings and adjust defaults auto settings = readDocument(inPath); if(!settings.name) settings.name = QFileInfo{inPath}.baseName(); fixTrContext(settings, QFileInfo{inPath}.fileName()); _typeMappings = settings.typeMappings; if(!_hdrFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) throw FileException{_hdrFile}; writeHeader(settings); _hdrFile.close(); if(!_srcFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) throw FileException{_srcFile}; writeSource(settings); _srcFile.close(); } void CppSettingsGenerator::writeHeader(const SettingsType &settings) { QString incGuard = QFileInfo{_hdrFile.fileName()} .completeBaseName() .replace(QLatin1Char('.'), QLatin1Char('_')) .toUpper() + QStringLiteral("_H"); _hdr << "#ifndef " << incGuard << '\n' << "#define " << incGuard << "\n\n"; // write the includes auto includes = QList<IncludeType> { {false, QStringLiteral("QtCore/QObject")}, {false, QStringLiteral("QtMvvmCore/ISettingsAccessor")}, {false, QStringLiteral("QtMvvmCore/SettingsEntry")} } + settings.includes; for(const auto &inc : includes) { if(inc.local) _hdr << "#include \"" << inc.includePath << "\"\n"; else _hdr << "#include <" << inc.includePath << ">\n"; } _hdr << "\n"; // create the class _hdr << "class " << (settings.prefix ? settings.prefix.value() + QLatin1Char(' ') + settings.name.value() : settings.name.value()) << " : public QObject\n" << "{\n" << "\tQ_OBJECT\n\n" << "\tQ_PROPERTY(QtMvvm::ISettingsAccessor *accessor READ accessor CONSTANT FINAL)\n\n" << "public:\n" << "\tQ_INVOKABLE explicit " << settings.name.value() << "(QObject *parent = nullptr);\n" << "\texplicit " << settings.name.value() << "(QtMvvm::ISettingsAccessor *accessor, QObject *parent);\n\n" << "\tstatic " << settings.name.value() << " *instance();\n\n" << "\tQtMvvm::ISettingsAccessor *accessor() const;\n\n"; writeNodeElementDeclarations(settings); _hdr << "\nprivate:\n" << "\tQtMvvm::ISettingsAccessor *_accessor;\n" << "};\n\n" << "#endif //" << incGuard << '\n'; } void CppSettingsGenerator::writeNodeElementDeclarations(const NodeContentGroup &node, int intendent) { for(const auto &cNode : node.contentNodes) { if(nonstd::holds_alternative<NodeType>(cNode)) writeNodeDeclaration(nonstd::get<NodeType>(cNode), intendent); else if(nonstd::holds_alternative<EntryType>(cNode)) writeEntryDeclaration(nonstd::get<EntryType>(cNode), intendent); else if(nonstd::holds_alternative<ListNodeType>(cNode)) writeListNodeDeclaration(nonstd::get<ListNodeType>(cNode), intendent); else if(nonstd::holds_alternative<NodeContentGroup>(cNode)) writeNodeElementDeclarations(nonstd::get<NodeContentGroup>(cNode), intendent); else Q_UNREACHABLE(); } } void CppSettingsGenerator::writeNodeDeclaration(const NodeType &node, int intendent) { _hdr << TABS << "struct { //" << node.key << "\n"; writeNodeElementDeclarations(node, intendent + 1); _hdr << TABS << "} " << node.key << ";\n"; } void CppSettingsGenerator::writeEntryDeclaration(const EntryType &entry, int intendent) { if(entry.contentNodes.isEmpty()) _hdr << TABS << "QtMvvm::SettingsEntry<" << _typeMappings.value(entry.type, entry.type) << "> " << entry.key << ";\n"; else { const auto &mType = _typeMappings.value(entry.type, entry.type); _hdr << TABS << "struct : QtMvvm::SettingsEntry<" << mType << "> { //" << entry.key << "\n"; writeNodeElementDeclarations(entry, intendent + 1); _hdr << TABS << "\tinline auto &operator=(const " << mType << " &__value) { SettingsEntry<" << mType << ">::operator=(__value); return *this; }\n"; _hdr << TABS << "} " << entry.key << ";\n"; } } void CppSettingsGenerator::writeListNodeDeclaration(const ListNodeType &node, int intendent) { _hdr << TABS << "struct " << node.key << "_element {\n"; writeNodeElementDeclarations(node, intendent + 1); _hdr << TABS << "};\n"; _hdr << TABS << "QtMvvm::SettingsListNode<" << node.key << "_element> " << node.key << ";\n"; } void CppSettingsGenerator::writeSource(const SettingsType &settings) { _src << "#include \"" << _hdrFile.fileName() << "\"\n"; _src << "#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>\n"; _src << "#include <QtMvvmCore/ServiceRegistry>\n"; if(!settings.backend) _src << "#include <QtMvvmCore/QSettingsAccessor>\n"; _src << "\n"; auto backend = settings.backend.value_or(BackendType{QStringLiteral("QtMvvm::QSettingsAccessor"), {}}); _src << "namespace {\n\n" << "void __generated_settings_setup()\n" << "{\n" << "\tQtMvvm::ServiceRegistry::instance()->registerObject<" << settings.name.value() << ">("; if(settings.scope) { switch(settings.scope.value()) { case SettingsGeneratorBase::DestroyOnAppQuit: _src << "QtMvvm::ServiceRegistry::DestroyOnAppQuit"; break; case SettingsGeneratorBase::DestroyOnAppDestroy: _src << "QtMvvm::ServiceRegistry::DestroyOnAppDestroy"; break; case SettingsGeneratorBase::DestroyOnRegistryDestroy: _src << "QtMvvm::ServiceRegistry::DestroyOnRegistryDestroy"; break; case SettingsGeneratorBase::DestroyNever: _src << "QtMvvm::ServiceRegistry::DestroyNever"; break; default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); break; } } _src << ");\n" << "}\n\n" << "}\n" << "Q_COREAPP_STARTUP_FUNCTION(__generated_settings_setup)\n\n"; _src << settings.name.value() << "::" << settings.name.value() << "(QObject *parent) : \n" << "\t" << settings.name.value() << "{new " << backend.className << "{"; if(!backend.param.isEmpty()) { _src << "\n"; auto first = true; for(const auto ¶m : qAsConst(backend.param)) { if(first) first = false; else _src << ",\n"; _src << "\t\t"; if(param.asStr) _src << "QVariant{QStringLiteral(\"" << param.value << "\")}.value<" << param.type << ">()"; else _src << param.value; } _src << "\n\t"; } _src << "}, parent}\n" << "{\n" << "\t_accessor->setParent(this);\n" << "}\n\n"; _src << settings.name.value() << "::" << settings.name.value() << "(QtMvvm::ISettingsAccessor *accessor, QObject *parent) : \n" << "\tQObject{parent},\n" << "\t_accessor{accessor}\n" << "{\n"; writeNodeElementDefinitions(settings, settings.baseKey ? QStringList{settings.baseKey.value()} : QStringList{}); _src << "}\n\n"; _src << settings.name.value() << " *" << settings.name.value() << "::instance()\n" << "{\n" << "\treturn QtMvvm::ServiceRegistry::instance()->service<" << settings.name.value() << ">();\n" << "}\n\n"; _src << "QtMvvm::ISettingsAccessor *" << settings.name.value() << "::accessor() const\n" << "{\n" << "\treturn _accessor;\n" << "}\n\n"; } void CppSettingsGenerator::writeNodeElementDefinitions(const SettingsGeneratorBase::NodeContentGroup &node, const QStringList &keyChain, const QStringList &entryChain, int intendent, const QStringList &listTypeChain) { for(const auto &cNode : node.contentNodes) { if(nonstd::holds_alternative<NodeType>(cNode)) { const auto &xNode = nonstd::get<NodeType>(cNode); writeNodeElementDefinitions(xNode, QStringList{keyChain} << xNode.key, QStringList{entryChain} << xNode.key, intendent, listTypeChain); } else if(nonstd::holds_alternative<EntryType>(cNode)) writeEntryDefinition(nonstd::get<EntryType>(cNode), keyChain, entryChain, intendent, listTypeChain); else if(nonstd::holds_alternative<ListNodeType>(cNode)) writeListNodeDefinition(nonstd::get<ListNodeType>(cNode), keyChain, entryChain, intendent, listTypeChain); else if(nonstd::holds_alternative<NodeContentGroup>(cNode)) writeNodeElementDefinitions(nonstd::get<NodeContentGroup>(cNode), keyChain, entryChain, intendent, listTypeChain); else Q_UNREACHABLE(); } } void CppSettingsGenerator::writeEntryDefinition(const SettingsGeneratorBase::EntryType &entry, QStringList keyChain, QStringList entryChain, int intendent, const QStringList &listTypeChain) { entryChain.append(entry.key); keyChain.append(entry.key); _src << TABS << entryChain.join(QLatin1Char('.')) << ".setup(" << concatKeys(keyChain, intendent) << ", _accessor"; if(entry.code) _src << ", QVariant::fromValue<" << _typeMappings.value(entry.type, entry.type) << ">(" << entry.code.value().trimmed() << ")"; else if(entry.defaultValue) { _src << ", QVariant{"; if(entry.tr) _src << "QCoreApplication::translate(\"" << entry.trContext.value() << "\", \"" << entry.defaultValue.value() << "\")"; else _src << "QStringLiteral(\"" << entry.defaultValue.value() << "\")"; _src << "}.value<" << _typeMappings.value(entry.type, entry.type) << ">()"; } _src << ");\n"; writeNodeElementDefinitions(entry, keyChain, entryChain, intendent, listTypeChain); } void CppSettingsGenerator::writeListNodeDefinition(const ListNodeType &node, QStringList keyChain, QStringList entryChain, int intendent, QStringList listTypeChain) { keyChain.append(node.key); entryChain.append(node.key); listTypeChain.append(node.key + QStringLiteral("_element")); _src << TABS << entryChain.join(QLatin1Char('.')) << ".setup(" << concatKeys(keyChain, intendent) << ", _accessor, [=](int __index_" << intendent << ", " << listTypeChain.join(QStringLiteral("::")) << " &__entry) {\n"; keyChain.append(QLatin1Char('%') + QString::number(intendent)); entryChain = QStringList{QStringLiteral("__entry")}; writeNodeElementDefinitions(node, keyChain, entryChain, intendent + 1, listTypeChain); _src << TABS << "});\n"; } QString CppSettingsGenerator::concatKeys(const QStringList &keyChain, int intendet) const { QString res = QStringLiteral("QStringLiteral(\"") + keyChain.join(QLatin1Char('/')) + QStringLiteral("\")"); for(auto i = 1; i < intendet; i++) res.append(QStringLiteral(".arg(__index_%1)").arg(i)); return res; }