QtMvvm  1.0.0
A mvvm oriented library for Qt, to create Projects for Widgets and Quick in parallel
QtMvvm::SettingsElements Namespace Reference

A sub namespace for the different elements in a settings setup. More...


struct  Category
 A top level category to organize sections in. More...
struct  Entry
 An entry in the settings to display and edit a value. More...
struct  Group
 A logical group of settings entries. More...
struct  Section
 A bigger section for different entries and groups. More...
struct  Setup
 The whole settings setup. More...

Detailed Description

A sub namespace for the different elements in a settings setup.

Class Documentation

◆ QtMvvm::SettingsElements::Category

struct QtMvvm::SettingsElements::Category

A top level category to organize sections in.

Definition at line 79 of file settingssetup.h.

Class Members
QString frontends [Internal] A logical string describing the allowed frontends
QUrl icon An icon for the category.
QList< Section > sections A list of sections the category contains.
QString selectors [Internal] A logical string describing the allowed selectors
QString title The categories title.
QString tooltip A tooltip to describe what the category is about.

◆ QtMvvm::SettingsElements::Entry

struct QtMvvm::SettingsElements::Entry

An entry in the settings to display and edit a value.

Definition at line 19 of file settingssetup.h.

Class Members
QVariant defaultValue A default value to display in case no value is in the settings yet.
QString frontends [Internal] A logical string describing the allowed frontends
QString key The QSettings key this entry should handle.
QVariantMap properties Additional properties to be passed on to the edit view.
QStringList searchKeys A list of keys to find this entry by when searching.
QString selectors [Internal] A logical string describing the allowed selectors
QString title A short title/label of the entry to give it a name.
QString tooltip A tooltip with more detailed information about the entry.
QByteArray type The input view type (typically the actual data type) to show.

◆ QtMvvm::SettingsElements::Group

struct QtMvvm::SettingsElements::Group

A logical group of settings entries.

Definition at line 43 of file settingssetup.h.

Class Members
QList< Entry > entries A list of entries the group contains.
QString frontends [Internal] A logical string describing the allowed frontends
QString selectors [Internal] A logical string describing the allowed selectors
QString title The groups title.
QString tooltip A tooltip to describe what the group is about.

◆ QtMvvm::SettingsElements::Section

struct QtMvvm::SettingsElements::Section

A bigger section for different entries and groups.

Definition at line 60 of file settingssetup.h.

Class Members
QString frontends [Internal] A logical string describing the allowed frontends
QList< Group > groups A list of groups the section contains.
QUrl icon An icon for the section.
QString selectors [Internal] A logical string describing the allowed selectors
QString title The sections title.
QString tooltip A tooltip to describe what the section is about.

◆ QtMvvm::SettingsElements::Setup

struct QtMvvm::SettingsElements::Setup

The whole settings setup.

Definition at line 98 of file settingssetup.h.

Class Members
bool allowRestore Specifies if the user is allowed to restore the factory defaults.
bool allowSearch Specifies if the user is allowed to search in the settings.
QList< Category > categories A list of categories the setup is build of.