TEMPLATE = lib QT += mvvmcore # Creating a static library is typically more efficient. You can still create a shared library if you want to CONFIG += c++14 static TARGET = %{CoreName} DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS HEADERS += \\ %{AppHdrName} \\ %{VmHdrName} SOURCES += \\ %{AppSrcName} \\ %{VmSrcName} @if '%{UseSettings}' RESOURCES += \\ %{AppQrcFile} @endif TRANSLATIONS += %{ProjectLowerName}_core_de.ts \\ %{ProjectLowerName}_core_template.ts DISTFILES += $$TRANSLATIONS @if '%{UseSettings}' QTMVVM_TS_SETTINGS = settings.xml _never_true_condition: SOURCES += $$files($$PWD/.ts-dummy/*) # Uncomment the following line to automatically generated and update settings translations when building #PRE_TARGETDEPS += qtmvvm-tsgen @endif