{ "version": 1, "supportedProjectTypes": [ "Qt4ProjectManager.Qt4Project" ], "id": "G.QtMvvm", "category": "F.Application", "trDescription": "Creates a QtMvvm project skeleton, for easy creation of new QtMvvm projects.", "trDisplayName": "QtMvvm Application Project", "trDisplayCategory": "Application", "icon": "icon.png", "featuresRequired": [ "QtSupport.Wizards.FeatureQt" ], "enabled": "%{JS: [ %{Plugins} ].indexOf('QmakeProjectManager') >= 0}", "options": [ { "key": "ProjectLowerName", "value": "%{JS: '%{ProjectName}'.toLowerCase()}" }, { "key": "ProFileName", "value": "%{JS: Util.fileName('%{ProjectDirectory}/%{ProjectName}', 'pro')}" }, { "key": "CoreName", "value": "%{ProjectName}Core" }, { "key": "CoreDirectory", "value": "%{ProjectDirectory}/%{CoreName}" }, { "key": "CoreProName", "value": "%{JS: Util.fileName('%{CoreDirectory}/%{CoreName}', 'pro')}" }, { "key": "WidgetsName", "value": "%{ProjectName}Widgets" }, { "key": "WidgetsDirectory", "value": "%{ProjectDirectory}/%{WidgetsName}" }, { "key": "WidgetsProName", "value": "%{JS: Util.fileName('%{WidgetsDirectory}/%{WidgetsName}', 'pro')}" }, { "key": "QuickName", "value": "%{ProjectName}Quick" }, { "key": "QuickDirectory", "value": "%{ProjectDirectory}/%{QuickName}" }, { "key": "QuickProName", "value": "%{JS: Util.fileName('%{QuickDirectory}/%{QuickName}', 'pro')}" }, { "key": "AppName", "value": "%{ProjectName}App" }, { "key": "AppHdrName", "value": "%{JS: Cpp.classToFileName('%{AppName}', '%{JS: Util.preferredSuffix('text/x-c++hdr')}')}" }, { "key": "AppSrcName", "value": "%{JS: Cpp.classToFileName('%{AppName}', '%{JS: Util.preferredSuffix('text/x-c++src')}')}" }, { "key": "AppCn", "value": "%{JS: Cpp.className('%{AppName}')}" }, { "key": "AppGuard", "value": "%{JS: Cpp.headerGuard('%{AppHdrName}')}" }, { "key": "VmHdrName", "value": "%{JS: Cpp.classToFileName('%{VmClassName}', '%{JS: Util.preferredSuffix('text/x-c++hdr')}')}" }, { "key": "VmSrcName", "value": "%{JS: 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"value": "%{JS: Util.fileName('%{JS: '%{QuickName}'.toLowerCase()}', 'qrc')}" }, { "key": "QuickQmlName", "value": "%{JS: Util.fileName('%{QuickClassName}', '%{JS: Util.preferredSuffix('text/x-qml')}')}" } ], "pages": [ { "trDisplayName": "Project Location", "trShortTitle": "Location", "typeId": "Project", "data": { "trDescription": "This wizard creates the projects and subprojects needed for a QtMvvm application." } }, { "trDisplayName": "Define Project Details", "trShortTitle": "Details", "typeId": "Fields", "data" : [ { "name": "CreateWidgets", "trDisplayName": "Create Widgets GUI", "type": "CheckBox", "data": { "checkedValue": "CreateWidgets", "uncheckedValue": "", "checked": "true" } }, { "name": "CreateQuick", "trDisplayName": "Create Quick GUI", "type": "CheckBox", "data": { "checkedValue": "CreateQuick", "uncheckedValue": "", "checked": "true" } }, { "name": "UseSettings", "trDisplayName": "Add Settings template", "type": "CheckBox", "data": { "checkedValue": "UseSettings", "uncheckedValue": "", "checked": "true" } } ] }, { "trDisplayName": "Define Initial ViewModel", "trShortTitle": "ViewModel", "typeId": "Fields", "data" : [ { "name": "VmName", "trDisplayName": "ViewModel base name:", "mandatory": true, "type": "LineEdit", "data": { "trText": "Main", "validator": "(?:(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*::)*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*|)" } }, { "name": "Sp1", "type": "Spacer", "data": { "factor": 2 } }, { "name": "VmClassName", "type": "LineEdit", "trDisplayName": "ViewModel class name:", "mandatory": true, "data": { "trText": "%{VmName}ViewModel", "validator": "(?:(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*::)*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*|)" } }, { "name": "WindowClassName", "type": "LineEdit", "trDisplayName": "Widget class name:", "mandatory": true, "data": { "trText": "%{VmName}Window", "validator": "(?:(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*::)*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*|)" } }, { "name": "QuickClassName", "type": "LineEdit", "trDisplayName": "Qml class name:", "mandatory": true, "data": { "trText": "%{VmName}View", "validator": "(?:(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*::)*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*|)" } } ] }, { "trDisplayName": "Kit Selection", "trShortTitle": "Kits", "typeId": "Kits", "enabled": "%{IsTopLevelProject}", "data": { "projectFilePath": "%{ProFileName}" } }, { "trDisplayName": "Project Management", "trShortTitle": "Summary", "typeId": "Summary" } ], "generators": [ { "typeId": "File", "data": [ { "source": "project.pro", "target": "%{ProFileName}", "openAsProject": true }, { "source": "core.pro", "target": "%{CoreProName}" }, { "source": "app.h", "target": "%{CoreDirectory}/%{AppHdrName}" }, { "source": "app.cpp", "target": "%{CoreDirectory}/%{AppSrcName}" }, { "source": "viewmodel.h", "target": "%{CoreDirectory}/%{VmHdrName}" }, { "source": "viewmodel.cpp", "target": "%{CoreDirectory}/%{VmSrcName}" }, { "source": "core.qrc", "target": "%{CoreDirectory}/%{AppQrcFile}", "condition": "%{JS: '%{UseSettings}' !== ''}" }, { "source": "settings.xml", "target": "%{CoreDirectory}/settings.xml", "condition": "%{JS: '%{UseSettings}' !== ''}" }, { "source": "widgets.pro", "target": "%{WidgetsProName}", "condition": "%{JS: '%{CreateWidgets}' !== ''}" }, { "source": "widgets_main.cpp", "target": "%{WidgetsDirectory}/main.cpp", "condition": "%{JS: '%{CreateWidgets}' !== ''}" }, { "source": "window.h", "target": "%{WidgetsDirectory}/%{WindowHdrName}", "condition": "%{JS: '%{CreateWidgets}' !== ''}" }, { "source": "window.cpp", "target": "%{WidgetsDirectory}/%{WindowSrcName}", "condition": "%{JS: '%{CreateWidgets}' !== ''}" }, { "source": "window.ui", "target": "%{WidgetsDirectory}/%{WindowFormName}", "condition": "%{JS: '%{CreateWidgets}' !== ''}" }, { "source": "quick.pro", "target": "%{QuickProName}", "condition": "%{JS: '%{CreateQuick}' !== ''}" }, { "source": "quick_main.cpp", "target": "%{QuickDirectory}/main.cpp", "condition": "%{JS: '%{CreateQuick}' !== ''}" }, { "source": "quick.qrc", "target": "%{QuickDirectory}/%{QuickQrcFile}", "condition": "%{JS: '%{CreateQuick}' !== ''}" }, { "source": "App.qml", "target": "%{QuickDirectory}/App.qml", "condition": "%{JS: '%{CreateQuick}' !== ''}" }, { "source": "view.qml", "target": "%{QuickDirectory}/%{QuickQmlName}", "condition": "%{JS: '%{CreateQuick}' !== ''}" }, { "source": "git.ignore", "target": "%{ProjectDirectory}/.gitignore", "condition": "%{JS: !%{IsSubproject} && '%{VersionControl}' === 'G.Git'}" } ] } ] }