@class QtMvvm::ViewModel

The ViewModel is the primary class of the core library is must be implemented to create
custom viewmodels to be shown via the mvvm mechanism. To create a custom viewmodel, simply
implement this class and show the viewmodel via one of the show methods. Viewmodels presented
that way support automatic injection via injectable properties.

@attention In order for a viewmodel be showble, it must implement an invokable constructor
with a single QObject* parameter for the parent. It basically should look like this:
Q_INVOKABLE explicit MyViewModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);

@sa CoreApp::show, #QTMVVM_INJECT

@fn QtMvvm::ViewModel::onInit

@param params The parameters to initialize the viewmodel with

This method is called by the presenter right after creating the view and reparenting the
viewmodel to the view. The parameters are the ones that have been passed to the show method
called to show this viewmodel instance. Reimplement this method if you need to perform
initializations after beeing assigned to a viewmodel or if you want to support a parametrized

@sa ViewModel::show, ViewModel::showForResult, CoreApp::show

@fn QtMvvm::ViewModel::onResult

@param requestCode The request code of the show request for the viewmodel that triggered the
@param result The result passed from the viewmodel

When showing a child viewmodel via showForResult(), then the result of that show request is
reported back via this function. The requestCode is the one that was passed to the
showForResult() method, and the result what the viewmodel reported back. If the showed
viewmodel emitted resultReady() before beeing destroyed, this value passed to that signal is
whats reported as result. If the child viewmodel gets destroyed without ever emitting that
signal, this method is still called, but with an invalid QVariant as result.

@sa ViewModel::showForResult, ViewModel::resultReady

@fn QtMvvm::ViewModel::resultReady

@param result The result that should be passed to the parent viewmodel

Viewmodels that have been created via showForResult() must emit this signal to report back the
result of the show request. Doing so will lead to the onResult() method of the showing
viewmodel beeing with the emitted result as second parameter. Not emitting this signal before
the viewmodel gets destroy leads to the onResult() beeing called with an invalid result.

@sa ViewModel::showForResult, ViewModel::onResult

@fn QtMvvm::ViewModel::show(const QVariantHash &) const

@param params The show parameters to be passed to the created viewmodel

This method will send a show request to the core app to show a viewmodel of the given type.
The parameters are passed to the onInit() method by the presenter after creating and parenting
the view. The viewmodel will be shown asynchronously, so this method will return immediatly.

@sa ViewModel::showForResult, ViewModel::onInit, CoreApp::show

@fn QtMvvm::ViewModel::show(const char *, const QVariantHash &) const

@param viewModelName The name of the viewmodel class to be shown
@copydetails ViewModel::show(const QVariantHash &) const

@fn QtMvvm::ViewModel::show(const QMetaObject *, const QVariantHash &) const

@param viewMetaObject The metaobject of the viewmodel class to be shown
@copydetails ViewModel::show(const QVariantHash &) const

@fn QtMvvm::ViewModel::showForResult(quint32, const QVariantHash &) const

@param requestCode The code of the show request
@param params The show parameters to be passed to the created viewmodel

This method will send a show request to the core app to show a viewmodel of the given type.
The parameters are passed to the onInit() method by the presenter after creating and parenting
the view. The viewmodel will be shown asynchronously, so this method will return immediatly.
The viewmodel is show for a result, meaning that a result is reported back via onInit() as
soon as the shown viewmodel emits resultReady() or has been destroyed. The request code is
passed to the onResult() method in order to identify the show request.

@sa ViewModel::show, ViewModel::onInit, ViewModel::resultReady, ViewModel::onResult,

@fn QtMvvm::ViewModel::showForResult(quint32, const char *, const QVariantHash &) const

@param viewModelName The name of the viewmodel class to be shown
@copydetails ViewModel::showForResult(quint32, const QVariantHash &) const

@fn QtMvvm::ViewModel::showForResult(quint32, const QMetaObject *, const QVariantHash &) const

@param viewMetaObject The metaobject of the viewmodel class to be shown
@copydetails ViewModel::showForResult(quint32, const QVariantHash &) const