@class QtMvvm::InputWidgetFactory

The factory is used by the WidgetsPresenter to create input widgets for various types. This is
used to for example create the edits of input dialogs or for the edit fields of a

@sa WidgetsPresenter, WidgetsPresenter::inputWidgetFactory, MessageConfig::TypeInputDialog,
QtMvvm::getInput, SettingsViewModel

@fn QtMvvm::InputWidgetFactory::createInput

@param type The input type to create a widget for
@param parent The parent widget for the created widget
@param viewProperties A map with extra properties to be set on the edit
@returns A newly created widget suitable for editing input of the given type
@throws PresenterException In case no widget could be found or created for the given type

The factory first checks if the given type is registered as alias. If yes, it continues with
the aliased type. Then it checks for a widget registered as simple widget exists for the given
type and uses that one if present. If no simple widget is set the default mapping for type to
widgets is used (See MessageConfig::TypeInputDialog for a full table of supported types). If no
widget can be found for a type, an exception is thrown.

The viewProperties are used to setup the created widget by settings them as properties on the
widget. For every key-value-pair in the map, QObject::setProperty is called on the widget to
set the property.

@sa MessageConfig::TypeInputDialog, InputWidgetFactory::addSimpleWidget,

@fn QtMvvm::InputWidgetFactory::addSimpleWidget()

@tparam TType The type to add a widget for
@tparam TWidget The type of the widget to provide for that type

The TWidget type must extend QWidget and have a constructor that takes a single `QWidget*` as
argument. It furthermore needs to have a USER property, which is used to read and write the
input value.

@sa InputWidgetFactory::createInput, InputWidgetFactory::addAlias

@fn QtMvvm::InputWidgetFactory::addSimpleWidget(const QByteArray &, const std::function<QWidget*(QWidget*)> &)

@param type The type to add a widget for
@param creator A function that creates a new instance of a widget for the given type

The `QWidget*` argument of the creator function must be used as the parent of the created
widget that is returned by the function. It furthermore needs to have a USER property, which is
used to read and write the input value.

@sa InputWidgetFactory::createInput, InputWidgetFactory::addAlias

@fn QtMvvm::InputWidgetFactory::addAlias()

@tparam TAliasType The type to add as a new alias
@tparam TTargetType The type the alias should be translated to

If an input widget for the alias type is requested, one of the target type is created instead.

@sa InputWidgetFactory::createInput, InputWidgetFactory::addSimpleWidget

@fn QtMvvm::InputWidgetFactory::addAlias(const QByteArray &, const QByteArray &)

@param alias The type to add as a new alias
@param targetType The type the alias should be translated to

If an input widget for the alias type is requested, one of the target type is created instead.

@sa InputWidgetFactory::createInput, InputWidgetFactory::addSimpleWidget