/*! @namespace QtMvvm The following list shows which classes belong to which Qt module, in alphabetical order: - QtMvvmCore: - Binding - CoreApp - IPresenter - ISettingsSetupLoader - MessageConfig - MessageResult - PresenterException - ServiceConstructionException - ServiceDependencyException - ServiceExistsException - ServiceRegistry - SettingsLoaderException - SettingsViewModel - ViewModel - All Methods not explicitly listed - QtMvvmWidgets: - InputWidgetFactory - IPresentingView - SettingsDialog - WidgetsPresenter - QtMvvmQuick: - InputViewFactory - QuickPresenter - QtMvvmDataSyncCore: - AccountModel - DataSyncViewModel - ExchangeDevicesModel - NetworkExchangeViewModel - QtMvvmDataSyncWidgets: - DataSyncWindow - NetworkExchangeWindow - registerDataSyncWidgets() - QtMvvmDataSyncQuick: - registerDataSyncQuick() */