@class QtMvvm::WidgetsPresenter

This presenter is automatically registered as the default presenter for the IPresenter
interface with the ServiceRegistry, but as weak service, in order to make it possible to
overwrite it.

The class handles all the logic required for presenting widget based views. You can extend
this class and reimplement it's virtual methods if you need to adjust how certain views or
dialogs are presented, or if you want to support custom stuff

@property QtMvvm::WidgetsPresenter::inputWidgetFactory


Do not set this property yourself. It is automatically injected when showing the viewmodel.
You can use the ServiceRegistry::registerInterface if you need to use a factory different from
the default one.



@fn QtMvvm::WidgetsPresenter::registerView()

@tparam TView The widget type register within the presenter. Must extend QWidget

The widget is registered with the current presenter. It is registered implicitly, which means
that it's name will be used to find it when a viewmodel is presented for it. Thus, it must be
named after the viewmodel. If the viewmodel is for example named `MyViewModel`, then the view
must start with `My` too. For example it can be named `MyWidget`, `MyDialog`, `MyWindow`,
`MyView`, ...

@note Implicit detection of views for viewmodels can sometimes lead to ambiguities and thus a
wrong view beeing found. In such cases, use registerViewExplicitly() instead.

@sa WidgetsPresenter::registerViewExplicitly

@fn QtMvvm::WidgetsPresenter::registerView(const QMetaObject *)

@param viewType The widget type register within the presenter. Must extend QWidget

The widget is registered with the current presenter. It is registered implicitly, which means
that it's name will be used to find it when a viewmodel is presented for it. Thus, it must be
named after the viewmodel. If the viewmodel is for example named `MyViewModel`, then the view
must start with `My` too. For example it can be named `MyWidget`, `MyDialog`, `MyWindow`,
`MyView`, ...

@note Implicit detection of views for viewmodels can sometimes lead to ambiguities and thus a
wrong view beeing found. In such cases, use registerViewExplicitly() instead.

@sa WidgetsPresenter::registerViewExplicitly

@fn QtMvvm::WidgetsPresenter::registerViewExplicitly()

@tparam TViewModel The viewmodel to to register the view for
@tparam TView The widget type register within the presenter. Must extend QWidget

The widget is registered with the current presenter. It is registered explicitly, which means
that whenever the given viewmodel is beeing presented, this exact view will be used. Explicit
registration have precedence over implicit ones.

@sa WidgetsPresenter::registerView

@fn QtMvvm::WidgetsPresenter::registerViewExplicitly(const QMetaObject *, const QMetaObject *)

@param viewModelType The viewmodel to to register the view for
@param viewType The widget type register within the presenter. Must extend QWidget

The widget is registered with the current presenter. It is registered explicitly, which means
that whenever the given viewmodel is beeing presented, this exact view will be used. Explicit
registration have precedence over implicit ones.

@sa WidgetsPresenter::registerView

@fn QtMvvm::WidgetsPresenter::findWidgetMetaObject

@param viewModelMetaObject The metobject of the viewmodel to find a view for
@returns The metaobject of the view to used, or `nullptr` if none was found
@throws PresenterException If no view could be found

The default implementation simply check all explicitly registered views and then tries to
match the name with the implicitly registered ones. If no match if found, the same is tried
for the parent viewmodel type recursively, until the ViewModel base is reached.

@fn QtMvvm::WidgetsPresenter::tryPresent

@param view The view to be presented
@param parentView The parent view to present the view to
@returns `true` if successfully presented, `false` if not

This method is called to perform the actual presentation (i.e. the parenting and how to show)
the view. The default implementation first checks if the parent implements IPresentingView and
if yes if it is able to present the view. If not, a bunch of standard widget types are checked
for special presentation methods. QDialogs are presented via QDialog::open. QDockWidgets that
are presented to a QMainWindow are added as dock widget (QMainWindow::addDockWidget). If the
parent or its central widget are a QMdiArea, and the views class name ends with `MdiWindow`,
it is presented as QMdiSubWindow. For all other cases, showForeground() is called.

@sa WidgetsPresenter::showForeground, QDialog, QMainWindow, QDockWidget, QMdiArea

@fn QtMvvm::WidgetsPresenter::showForeground

@param view The view to be presented

This method is called by tryPresent() to simply show a standard window. The method however
does not only show the window, but also makes shure it becomes the currently active
foreground window.

@sa WidgetsPresenter::tryPresent

@fn QtMvvm::WidgetsPresenter::presentMessageBox

@param config The configuration of the message box
@param result The message result to report the result to
@throws PresenterException If presenting the dialog failed

This method is called by showDialog() to present a dialog from a message config with the
MessageConfig::type set to MessageConfig::TypeMessageBox. You can override it to customize
how to show them.

@sa WidgetsPresenter::showDialog

@fn QtMvvm::WidgetsPresenter::presentInputDialog

@param config The configuration of the input dialog
@param result The message result to report the result to
@throws PresenterException If presenting the dialog failed

This method is called by showDialog() to present a dialog from a message config with the
MessageConfig::type set to MessageConfig::TypeInputDialog. You can override it to customize
how to show them.

@sa WidgetsPresenter::showDialog

@fn QtMvvm::WidgetsPresenter::presentFileDialog

@param config The configuration of the file dialog
@param result The message result to report the result to
@throws PresenterException If presenting the dialog failed

This method is called by showDialog() to present a dialog from a message config with the
MessageConfig::type set to MessageConfig::TypeFileDialog. You can override it to customize
how to show them.

@sa WidgetsPresenter::showDialog

@fn QtMvvm::WidgetsPresenter::presentOtherDialog

@param config The configuration of the dialog
@param result The message result to report the result to
@throws PresenterException If presenting the dialog failed

This method is called by showDialog() to present a dialog from a message config with the
MessageConfig::type set to to custom type (i.e. none of the 3 default types). The default
implementation simply throws the PresenterException. If you want to support additional types
to the 3 default types, reimplement this method to do so.

@sa WidgetsPresenter::showDialog