/*! @class QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel The viewmodel provides data to show a ui that allows you to exchange your user data with another device in the same local network. @sa QtDataSync::UserExchangeManager, DataSyncViewModel */ /*! @property QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel::userExchangeManager @default{`nullptr` (Is initialized by onInit())} A reference to the user exchange manager the view model internally uses. Is owned by the viewmodel, but can be used to get properties for the ui. @accessors{ @readAc{userExchangeManager()} @notifyAc{userExchangeManagerChanged()} } */ /*! @property QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel::port @default{`QtDataSync::UserExchangeManager::DataExchangePort`} This port is passed to the exchange manager when activated to set the port. @accessors{ @readAc{port()} @writeAc{setPort()} @notifyAc{portChanged()} } @sa NetworkExchangeViewModel::active, QtDataSync::UserExchangeManager::startExchange, QtDataSync::UserExchangeManager::port */ /*! @property QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel::deviceName @default{`QtDataSync::AccountManager::deviceName`} This property is simply a forwarding of the QtDataSync::AccountManager::deviceName property. @accessors{ @readAc{deviceName()} @writeAc{setDeviceName()} @notifyAc{deviceNameChanged()} } @sa QtDataSync::AccountManager::deviceName */ /*! @property QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel::active @default{`false`} Changing this property will trigger start and stop actions on the underlying manager, using the other information provided from this viewmodel. @accessors{ @readAc{active()} @writeAc{setActive()} @notifyAc{activeChanged()} } @sa QtDataSync::AccountManager::startExchange, QtDataSync::AccountManager::stopExchange, NetworkExchangeViewModel::port */ /*! @property QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel::deviceModel @default{<i>An exchange device model</i>} An unsorted model with all the devices available for exchange. Automatically initialized and managed by the viewmodel. @note You should use the NetworkExchangeViewModel::sortedModel property when creating views. It is a sorted version of this model, which is better for users. @accessors{ @readAc{deviceModel()} @constantAc } @sa NetworkExchangeViewModel::sortedModel */ /*! @property QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel::sortedModel @default{<i>The deviceModel, sorted</i>} A sorted proxy to the NetworkExchangeViewModel::deviceModel. You should prefer this sorted version when binding views to the viewmodel. @accessors{ @readAc{sortedModel()} @constantAc } @sa NetworkExchangeViewModel::deviceModel */ /*! @var QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel::paramSetup <b>Value:</b> `"setup"` @sa NetworkExchangeViewModel::showParams */ /*! @var QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel::paramAccountManager <b>Value:</b> `"accountManager"` @sa NetworkExchangeViewModel::showParams */ /*! @fn QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel::showParams(const QString &) @param setup The name of the QtDataSync::Setup to create the viewmodel for @return A paramater hash to be passed to ViewModel::show It's a shortcut to generate parameters for the show methods to show an exchange viewmodel. Use them as: @code{.cpp} show<QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel>(QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel::showParams(...)); @endcode @note Unless you need to explicitly set the setup or node a normal show without any parameters will just do fine. @sa ViewModel::show, NetworkExchangeViewModel::paramSetup */ /*! @fn QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel::showParams(QtDataSync::AccountManager*) @param accountManager The account manager to create the exchange manager of @return A paramater hash to be passed to ViewModel::show It's a shortcut to generate parameters for the show methods to show an exchange viewmodel. Use them as: @code{.cpp} show<QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel>(QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel::showParams(...)); @endcode @note Unless you need to explicitly set the setup or node a normal show without any parameters will just do fine. @sa ViewModel::show, NetworkExchangeViewModel::paramAccountManager */ /*! @fn QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel::exportTo @param sortedIndex The index in the sorted model of the device to export to @warning The passed index **must** be an index from the NetworkExchangeViewModel::sortedModel! It is translated to an exchange model index and the passed to ExchangeDevicesModel::infoAt to get the user info of the device to export the data to. @sa ExchangeDevicesModel::infoAt, NetworkExchangeViewModel::sortedModel */