#include "qmlsettingsgenerator.h" #include QmlSettingsGenerator::QmlSettingsGenerator(const QString &hdrPath, const QString &srcPath) : _hdrFile{hdrPath}, _srcFile{srcPath}, _hdr{&_hdrFile}, _src{&_srcFile} {} void QmlSettingsGenerator::process(const QString &inPath) { // read settings and adjust defaults auto settings = readDocument(inPath); if(!settings.name) settings.name = QFileInfo{inPath}.baseName(); _cppName = settings.name.value(); settings.name.value().prepend(QStringLiteral("QMLTYPE_")); fixTrContext(settings, QFileInfo{inPath}.fileName()); _name = settings.name.value(); _prefixName = settings.prefix ? settings.prefix.value() + QLatin1Char(' ') + _name : _name; _typeMappings = settings.typeMappings; if(!_hdrFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) throw FileException{_hdrFile}; writeHeader(settings, QFileInfo{inPath}.completeBaseName() + QStringLiteral(".h")); _hdrFile.close(); if(!_srcFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) throw FileException{_srcFile}; writeSource(settings); _srcFile.close(); } void QmlSettingsGenerator::writeHeader(const SettingsType &settings, const QString &inHdrPath) { QString incGuard = QFileInfo{_hdrFile.fileName()} .completeBaseName() .replace(QLatin1Char('.'), QLatin1Char('_')) .toUpper() + QStringLiteral("_H"); _hdr << "#ifndef " << incGuard << '\n' << "#define " << incGuard << "\n\n"; // write the includes const auto &hdrPath = settings.qml.has_value() ? settings.qml.value().header.value_or(inHdrPath) : inHdrPath; auto includes = QList { {false, QStringLiteral("QtCore/QObject")}, {false, QStringLiteral("QtCore/QScopedPointer")}, {false, QStringLiteral("QtQml/QQmlListProperty")}, {false, hdrPath} } + settings.includes; for(const auto &inc : includes) { if(inc.local) _hdr << "#include \"" << inc.includePath << "\"\n"; else _hdr << "#include <" << inc.includePath << ">\n"; } _hdr << "\n"; writeListTypeBaseClass(); // create all the qmltype classes auto keyList = settings.baseKey ? QStringList{settings.baseKey.value()} : QStringList{}; int offset; QList childOffsets; std::tie(offset, childOffsets) = writeNodeContentClasses(settings, keyList); // create the class _hdr << "class " << _name << " : public QObject\n" << "{\n" << "\tQ_OBJECT\n\n" << "\tQ_PROPERTY(QtMvvm::ISettingsAccessor *accessor READ accessor CONSTANT FINAL)\n\n"; QList> childConstructs; QList listEntries; writeProperties(settings, keyList, childOffsets, listEntries, childConstructs); _hdr << "\t" << _cppName << " *_settings;\n\n" << "public:\n" << "\texplicit " << _name << "(" << _cppName << " *settings, QObject *parent = nullptr) : \n" << "\t\tQObject{parent},\n"; writeMemberInits(keyList, childConstructs); _hdr << "\t\t_settings{settings}\n" << "\t{\n"; writeEntryPropertySignalConnects(settings, keyList, -1, listEntries); _hdr << "\t}\n\n" << "\texplicit " << _name << "(QObject *parent = nullptr) :\n" << "\t\t" << _name << "{" << _cppName << "::instance(), parent}\n" << "\t{}\n\n" << "\tQtMvvm::ISettingsAccessor *accessor() const { return _settings->accessor(); }\n" << "\t" << _cppName << " *settings() const { return _settings; }\n\n" << "\t" << (settings.prefix ? settings.prefix.value() + QLatin1Char(' ') : QString{}) << "static void registerQmlTypes(const char *uri, int major, int minor);\n"; if(settings.qml) _hdr << "\t" << (settings.prefix ? settings.prefix.value() + QLatin1Char(' ') : QString{}) << "static void registerQmlTypes();\n"; _hdr << "};\n\n" << "#endif //" << incGuard << '\n'; } void QmlSettingsGenerator::writeListTypeBaseClass() { // write the generic variant _hdr << "template \n" << "class " << _name << "_ListType : public QObject\n" << "{\n" << "public:\n" << "\ttemplate \n" << "\tstruct ListData {\n" << "\t\tstatic_assert(std::is_base_of<" << _name << "_ListType, TList>::value, \"TList must extend " << _name << "_ListType\");\n" << "\t\tQtMvvm::SettingsListEntry &entry;\n" << "\t\tQList elements;\n" << "\t};\n\n" << "\t" << _name << "_ListType(QObject *parent) : \n" << "\t\tQObject{parent}\n" << "\t{}\n" << "\tT value() const { return _entry ? _entry->getAt(_index) : _buffer; }\n" << "\tvoid setValue(const T &value) { if(_entry) _entry->setAt(_index, value); else { _index = -2; _buffer = value; } }\n\n" << "\ttemplate \n" << "\tstatic void adjust(ListData *data, QObject *parent, int size) {\n" << "\t\twhile(data->elements.size() > size)\n" << "\t\t\tdata->elements.takeLast()->deleteLater();\n" << "\t\tfor(auto index = data->elements.size(); index < size; index++) {\n" << "\t\t\tauto elem = new TList{parent};\n" << "\t\t\telem->_index = index;\n" << "\t\t\telem->_entry = &data->entry;\n" << "\t\t\tdata->elements.append(elem);\n" << "\t\t\tdata->entry.addChangeCallback(elem, [index, elem](int i, const T &d) {\n" << "\t\t\t\tif(i == index)\n" << "\t\t\t\t\temit elem->valueChanged(d);\n" << "\t\t\t});\n" << "\t\t}\n" << "\t}\n\n" << "\ttemplate \n" << "\tstatic void append(QQmlListProperty *list, TList *element) {\n" << "\t\tconst auto data = reinterpret_cast*>(list->data);\n" << "\t\tconst auto maxIndex = data->entry.size();\n" << "\t\tadjust(data, list->object, maxIndex);\n" << "\t\telement->setParent(list->object);\n" << "\t\tconst auto copyDefault = element->_index == -2;\n" << "\t\telement->_index = maxIndex;\n" << "\t\telement->_entry = &data->entry;\n" << "\t\tdata->elements.append(element);\n" << "\t\tif(copyDefault)\n" << "\t\t\telement->setValue(T{std::move(element->_buffer)});\n" << "\t\tdata->entry.addChangeCallback(element, [maxIndex, element](int i, const T &d) {\n" << "\t\t\tif(i == maxIndex)\n" << "\t\t\t\temit element->valueChanged(d);\n" << "\t\t});\n" << "\t}\n\n" << "\ttemplate \n" << "\tstatic TList *at(QQmlListProperty *list, int index) {\n" << "\t\tconst auto data = reinterpret_cast*>(list->data);\n" << "\t\treturn data->elements.size() > index ? data->elements.value(index) : nullptr;\n" << "\t}\n\n" << "\ttemplate \n" << "\tstatic int count(QQmlListProperty *list) {\n" << "\t\treturn reinterpret_cast*>(list->data)->elements.size();\n" << "\t}\n\n" << "\ttemplate \n" << "\tstatic void clear(QQmlListProperty *list) {\n" << "\t\tconst auto data = reinterpret_cast*>(list->data);\n" << "\t\tfor(auto elem : qAsConst(data->elements))\n" << "\t\t\telem->deleteLater();\n" << "\t\tdata->elements.clear();\n" << "\t\tdata->entry.reset(false);\n" << "\t}\n\n" << "private:\n" << "\tQtMvvm::SettingsListEntry *_entry = nullptr;\n" << "\tint _index = -1;\n" << "\tT _buffer{};\n" << "};\n\n"; } std::tuple> QmlSettingsGenerator::writeNodeContentClasses(const NodeContentGroup &node, const QStringList &keyList, int offset) { QList offsetList; for(const auto &cNode : node.contentNodes) { if(nonstd::holds_alternative(cNode)) { offset = writeNodeClass(nonstd::get(cNode), keyList, offset); offsetList.append(offset - 1); } else if(nonstd::holds_alternative(cNode)) { if(!nonstd::get(cNode).contentNodes.isEmpty()) { offset = writeNodeClass(nonstd::get(cNode), keyList, offset); offsetList.append(offset - 1); } else offsetList.append(-1); } else if(nonstd::holds_alternative(cNode)) { offset = writeListEntryElementClass(nonstd::get(cNode), keyList, offset); offsetList.append(offset - 1); //double offset!!! if(!nonstd::get(cNode).contentNodes.isEmpty()) { offset = writeNodeClass(nonstd::get(cNode), keyList, offset); offsetList.append(offset - 1); } else offsetList.append(-1); } else if(nonstd::holds_alternative(cNode)) { QList subList; std::tie(offset, subList) = writeNodeContentClasses(nonstd::get(cNode), keyList, offset); offsetList.append(subList); } else Q_UNREACHABLE(); } return std::make_tuple(offset, offsetList); } int QmlSettingsGenerator::writeNodeClass(const NodeType &node, QStringList keyList, int offset) { keyList.append(node.key); QList childOffsets; std::tie(offset, childOffsets) = writeNodeContentClasses(node, keyList, offset); _hdr << "class " << _name << "_" << offset << " : public QObject // " << keyList.join(QLatin1Char('/')) << "\n" << "{\n" << "\tQ_OBJECT\n\n"; QList> childConstructs; QList listEntries; writeProperties(node, keyList, childOffsets, listEntries, childConstructs); _hdr << "\t" << _cppName << " *_settings;\n\n" << "public:\n" << "\t" << _name << "_" << offset << "(" << _cppName << " *settings, QObject *parent) : \n" << "\t\tQObject{parent},\n"; writeMemberInits(keyList, childConstructs); _hdr << "\t\t_settings{settings}\n" << "\t{\n"; writeEntryPropertySignalConnects(node, keyList, offset, listEntries); _hdr << "\t}\n" << "};\n\n"; return ++offset; } int QmlSettingsGenerator::writeListEntryElementClass(const ListEntryType &entry, QStringList keyList, int offset) { keyList.append(entry.key); const auto &mType = _typeMappings.value(entry.type, entry.type); _hdr << "class " << _name << "_" << offset << " : public " << _name << "_ListType<" << mType << "> // " << keyList.join(QLatin1Char('/')) << " (list-element)\n" << "{\n" << "\tQ_OBJECT\n\n" << "\tQ_PROPERTY(" << mType << " value READ value WRITE setValue NOTIFY valueChanged)\n\n" << "public:\n" << "\texplicit " << _name << "_" << offset << "(QObject *parent = nullptr) : \n" << "\t\t" << _name << "_ListType{parent}\n" << "\t{}\n\n" << "Q_SIGNALS:\n" << "\tvoid valueChanged(const " << mType << " &value);\n" << "};\n\n"; return ++offset; } void QmlSettingsGenerator::writeProperties(const NodeContentGroup &node, const QStringList &keyList, QList &childOffsets, QList &listEntries, QList> &childConstructs) { for(const auto &cNode : node.contentNodes) { if(nonstd::holds_alternative(cNode)) writeNodeProperty(nonstd::get(cNode), childOffsets.takeFirst(), childConstructs); else if(nonstd::holds_alternative(cNode)) writeEntryProperty(nonstd::get(cNode), keyList, childOffsets.takeFirst(), childConstructs); else if(nonstd::holds_alternative(cNode)) { auto lIndex = childOffsets.takeFirst(); //done seperately because of undefine param call order writeListEntryProperty(nonstd::get(cNode), keyList, lIndex, childOffsets.takeFirst(), childConstructs); listEntries.append(lIndex); } else if(nonstd::holds_alternative(cNode)) writeProperties(nonstd::get(cNode), keyList, childOffsets, listEntries, childConstructs); else Q_UNREACHABLE(); } } void QmlSettingsGenerator::writeNodeProperty(const NodeType &entry, int classIndex, QList> &childConstructs, const QString &overwriteName) { const auto &mName = overwriteName.isNull() ? entry.key : overwriteName; _hdr << "\tQ_PROPERTY(" << _name << "_" << classIndex << "* " << mName << " MEMBER _" << mName << " CONSTANT)\n" << "\t" << _name << "_" << classIndex << "* _" << mName << ";\n\n"; childConstructs.append({mName, classIndex}); } void QmlSettingsGenerator::writeEntryProperty(const EntryType &entry, QStringList keyList, int classIndex, QList> &childConstructs) { keyList.append(entry.key); const auto &mType = _typeMappings.value(entry.type, entry.type); if(mType != QStringLiteral("void")) { _hdr << "\tQ_PROPERTY(" << mType << " " << entry.key << " READ get_" << entry.key << " WRITE set_" << entry.key << " NOTIFY " << entry.key << "_changed)\n"; _hdr << "\t" << mType << " get_" << entry.key << "() const { return _settings->" << keyList.join(QLatin1Char('.')) << ".get(); }\n" << "\tvoid set_" << entry.key << "(const " << mType << " &value) { _settings->" << keyList.join(QLatin1Char('.')) << ".set(value); }\n" << "Q_SIGNALS:\n" << "\tvoid " << entry.key << "_changed(const " << mType << " &value);\n" << "private:\n\n"; } if(!entry.contentNodes.isEmpty()) writeNodeProperty(entry, classIndex, childConstructs, entry.qmlGroupKey.value_or(entry.key + QStringLiteral("Group"))); } void QmlSettingsGenerator::writeListEntryProperty(const ListEntryType &entry, QStringList keyList, int listIndex, int classIndex, QList> &childConstructs) { keyList.append(entry.key); _hdr << "\tQ_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<" << _name << "_" << listIndex << "> " << entry.key << " READ get_" << entry.key << " CONSTANT)\n" << "\t" << _name << "_" << listIndex << "::ListData<" << _name << "_" << listIndex << "> _" << entry.key << ";\n" << "\tQQmlListProperty<" << _name << "_" << listIndex << "> get_" << entry.key << "() {\n" << "\t\treturn {\n" << "\t\t\tthis, &_" << entry.key << ",\n" << "\t\t\t&" << _name << "_" << listIndex << "::append<" << _name << "_" << listIndex << ">,\n" << "\t\t\t&" << _name << "_" << listIndex << "::count<" << _name << "_" << listIndex << ">,\n" << "\t\t\t&" << _name << "_" << listIndex << "::at<" << _name << "_" << listIndex << ">,\n" << "\t\t\t&" << _name << "_" << listIndex << "::clear<" << _name << "_" << listIndex << ">\n" << "\t\t};\n" << "\t}\n\n"; childConstructs.append({entry.key, -1}); if(!entry.contentNodes.isEmpty()) writeNodeProperty(entry, classIndex, childConstructs, entry.qmlGroupKey.value_or(entry.key + QStringLiteral("Group"))); } void QmlSettingsGenerator::writeMemberInits(const QStringList &keyList, const QList> &childConstructs) { for(const auto &info : childConstructs) { if(info.second < 0) _hdr << "\t\t_" << info.first << "{settings->" << (QStringList{keyList} << info.first).join(QLatin1Char('.')) << ", {}},\n"; else _hdr << "\t\t_" << info.first << "{new " << _name << "_" << info.second << "{settings, this}},\n"; } } void QmlSettingsGenerator::writeEntryPropertySignalConnects(const NodeContentGroup &node, const QStringList &keyList, int classIndex, QList &listEntries) { for(const auto &cNode : node.contentNodes) { if(nonstd::holds_alternative(cNode)) continue; //nothing to be set else if(nonstd::holds_alternative(cNode)) writeEntryPropertySignalConnect(nonstd::get(cNode), keyList, classIndex); else if(nonstd::holds_alternative(cNode)) writeListEntryPropertySignalConnect(nonstd::get(cNode), keyList, listEntries); else if(nonstd::holds_alternative(cNode)) writeEntryPropertySignalConnects(nonstd::get(cNode), keyList, classIndex, listEntries); else Q_UNREACHABLE(); } } void QmlSettingsGenerator::writeEntryPropertySignalConnect(const EntryType &entry, QStringList keyList, int classIndex) { if(_typeMappings.value(entry.type, entry.type) == QStringLiteral("void")) return; keyList.append(entry.key); _hdr << "\t\t_settings->" << keyList.join(QLatin1Char('.')) << ".addChangeCallback(this, std::bind(&" << _name; if(classIndex >= 0) _hdr << "_" << classIndex; _hdr << "::" << entry.key << "_changed, this, std::placeholders::_1));\n"; } void QmlSettingsGenerator::writeListEntryPropertySignalConnect(const SettingsGeneratorBase::ListEntryType &entry, QStringList keyList, QList &listEntries) { auto classIndex = listEntries.takeFirst(); keyList.append(entry.key); _hdr << "\t\t_settings->" << keyList.join(QLatin1Char('.')) << ".addSizeChangeCallback(this, std::bind(&" << _name << "_" << classIndex << "::adjust<" << _name << "_" << classIndex << ">, &_" << entry.key << ", this, std::placeholders::_1));\n"; } void QmlSettingsGenerator::writeSource(const SettingsType &settings) { _src << "#include \"" << _hdrFile.fileName() << "\"\n\n"; writeQmlRegistration(settings); if(settings.qml) { const auto &qml = settings.qml.value(); _src << "\nvoid " << _name << "::registerQmlTypes()\n" << "{\n" << "\tregisterQmlTypes(\"" << qml.uri << "\", " << qml.major << ", " << qml.minor << ");\n" << "}\n"; } } void QmlSettingsGenerator::writeQmlRegistration(const SettingsType &settings) { _src << "\nvoid " << _name << "::registerQmlTypes(const char *uri, int major, int minor)\n" << "{\n" << "}\n"; }