@ -380,6 +380,8 @@ to save content to it. |
@sa MessageConfig::type, MessageConfig::subType, MessageConfig::TypeFileDialog |
*/ |
/*! |
@class QtMvvm::MessageResult |
@ -423,3 +425,212 @@ dialogDone(), as long as they are direct connected. |
@sa MessageResult::complete, MessageResult::dialogDone |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::MessageResult::setCloseTarget(QObject *, const QString &) |
@param closeObject The object to call the method on |
@param closeMethod The method to be called |
@attention This method should be used by the presenter only, not from the core |
Use it from the presenter to register a view and a method on the view to be called to close |
the view. The `closeMethod` should be a paremeterless method signature (e.g. `close()`). Not |
settings a close target means that the dialog cannot be closed from code via discardMessage(). |
@sa MessageResult::discardMessage |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::MessageResult::complete(QtMvvm::MessageConfig::StandardButton) |
@param button The button that was pressed by the user |
@attention This method should be used by the presenter only, not from the core |
You must use this method from the GUI view code to mark a message result as completed as soon |
as the user completed the dialog. The `button` should be the button the user pressed, or |
MessageConfig::NoButton if close by another reason. The pressed button should be one that was |
in the list of buttons specified by the MessageConfig that created the dialog (with the |
NoButton beeing the only exception). |
The method automatically emits the dialogDone() signal and handels self deletion in a |
threadsafe manner. |
@sa MessageResult::dialogDone, MessageResult::result, MessageResult::autoDelete |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::MessageResult::complete(QtMvvm::MessageConfig::StandardButton, const QVariant &) |
@param result The input result to be set as MessageResult::result |
@copydetails MessageResult::complete(QtMvvm::MessageConfig::StandardButton) |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::MessageResult::discardMessage |
Calls the closeMethod set by the presenter (if one was set) to close the dialog. Connect to |
the dialogDone() signal to be notified when the dialog was closed. It is typically emitted with |
MessageConfig::NoButton when beeing discarded this way. |
@sa MessageResult::setCloseTarget, MessageResult::dialogDone |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::MessageResult::dialogDone |
@param button The button that was pressed by the user to complete the dialog |
Is emitted as soon as the dialog was closed with the button that was pressed, or |
MessageConfig::NoButton when closed another way. If the dialog had an input edit for the user |
to enter a value, you can retrieve the result via MessageResult::result. |
@warning You must always direct connect to this signal, because if the auto deletion is |
enabled, the result will be deleted right after the signal was emitted (and thus after all |
direct connected slots have been called). You may use MessageResult::result only in a slot |
connect to this signal, because auf the reason above, and because before the signal it is |
considered invalid. |
@sa MessageResult::result, MessageResult::complete |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::information(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) |
@param title The messagebox title (MessageConfig::title) |
@param text The primary message text (MessageConfig::text) |
@param okText An optional text overwrite for the OK button (MessageConfig::buttonTexts) |
Shows a simple informative dialog with a title, a text and the OK button present. |
@sa QtMvvm::question, QtMvvm::warning, QtMvvm::critical, QtMvvm::about, MessageConfig, |
CoreApp::showDialog |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::information(const QString &, const QString &, const std::function<void()> &, const QString &) |
@param onResult A handler to be called when the message box has been closed |
@copydetails QtMvvm::information(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::information(const QString &, const QString &, QObject *, const std::function<void()> &, const QString &) |
@param scope A scope to limit to. `onResult` is only called as long as scope has not been deleted |
@copydetails QtMvvm::information(const QString &, const QString &, const std::function<void()> &, const QString &) |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::question(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) |
@param title The messagebox title (MessageConfig::title) |
@param text The primary message text (MessageConfig::text) |
@param yesText An optional text overwrite for the YES button (MessageConfig::buttonTexts) |
@param noText An optional text overwrite for the NO button (MessageConfig::buttonTexts) |
Shows a simple question dialog with a title, a text and two buttons (typically YES and NO) to |
ask the user a simple boolean question. |
@sa QtMvvm::information, QtMvvm::warning, QtMvvm::critical, MessageConfig, |
CoreApp::showDialog |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::question(const QString &, const QString &, const std::function<void(bool)> &, const QString &, const QString &) |
@param onResult A handler to be called when the message box has been closed. The parameter is |
`true` if the user pressed YES, `false` if he pressed NO or cancled the dialog |
@copydetails QtMvvm::question(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::question(const QString &, const QString &, QObject *, const std::function<void(bool)> &, const QString &, const QString &) |
@param scope A scope to limit to. `onResult` is only called as long as scope has not been deleted |
@copydetails QtMvvm::question(const QString &, const QString &, const std::function<void(bool)> &, const QString &, const QString &) |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::warning(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) |
@param title The messagebox title (MessageConfig::title) |
@param text The primary message text (MessageConfig::text) |
@param okText An optional text overwrite for the OK button (MessageConfig::buttonTexts) |
Shows a simple warning dialog with a title, a text and the OK button present. |
@sa QtMvvm::question, QtMvvm::information, QtMvvm::critical, MessageConfig, |
CoreApp::showDialog |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::warning(const QString &, const QString &, const std::function<void()> &, const QString &) |
@param onResult A handler to be called when the message box has been closed |
@copydetails QtMvvm::warning(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::warning(const QString &, const QString &, QObject *, const std::function<void()> &, const QString &) |
@param scope A scope to limit to. `onResult` is only called as long as scope has not been deleted |
@copydetails QtMvvm::warning(const QString &, const QString &, const std::function<void()> &, const QString &) |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::critical(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) |
@param title The messagebox title (MessageConfig::title) |
@param text The primary message text (MessageConfig::text) |
@param okText An optional text overwrite for the OK button (MessageConfig::buttonTexts) |
Shows a simple critical error dialog with a title, a text and the OK button present. |
@sa QtMvvm::question, QtMvvm::warning, QtMvvm::information, MessageConfig, |
CoreApp::showDialog |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::critical(const QString &, const QString &, const std::function<void()> &, const QString &) |
@param onResult A handler to be called when the message box has been closed |
@copydetails QtMvvm::critical(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::critical(const QString &, const QString &, QObject *, const std::function<void()> &, const QString &) |
@param scope A scope to limit to. `onResult` is only called as long as scope has not been deleted |
@copydetails QtMvvm::critical(const QString &, const QString &, const std::function<void()> &, const QString &) |
*/ |
/*! |
@fn QtMvvm::about(const QString &, const QUrl &, const QString &, const QUrl &, const QString &, bool, const QStringList &, const QString &) |
@param description A short descriptive text what your application is all about |
@param websiteUrl The URL to your website |
@param licenseName The name of the License you are using |
@param licenseUrl A URL to an online (or offline) variant of the license to read |
for the user |
@param companyName The name of your company or your name as creator of the application |
@param addQtVersion Specify whether the Qt Version should be visible as part of the about |
dialog |
@param extraTopInfos Additional short texts to be shown below the version |
@param extraBottomInfos An additional text to be shown at the bottom of the dialog |
Creates an advanced about dialog out of all of this information in an organized manner. The |
`extraTopInfos` are ment as short extra information about configurations etc, for example a |
specific plattform plugin used, as selected style or further important links. The |
`extraBottomInfos` can be a long and rich text with anything else you want to put in the about |
dialog that is not applicabale for the previous part (for example a list of contributers). |
@note All the texts can be richtext (HTML). But be aware that they are already beeing wrapped |
in `<p></p>` blocks. Furthermore, QML only supports a small subset of HTML in the default text |
mode that is used. |
@sa QtMvvm::information, MessageConfig, CoreApp::showDialog |
*/ |