@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ |
#include <QtCore/qlist.h> |
#include <QtCore/qregularexpression.h> |
#include "QtMvvmCore/qtmvvmcore_global.h" |
#include "QtMvvmCore/isettingsaccessor.h" |
namespace QtMvvm { |
@ -35,6 +39,175 @@ private: |
QVariant _default; |
}; |
template <typename TType> |
class SettingsEntry<QList<TType>> |
{ |
Q_DISABLE_COPY(SettingsEntry) |
public: |
class ListElement |
{ |
Q_DISABLE_COPY(ListElement) |
public: |
inline ListElement(ListElement &&other) noexcept = default; |
inline ListElement &operator=(ListElement &&other) noexcept = default; |
TType get() const && { return _self->getAt(_index); } |
void set(const TType &value) && { _self->setAt(_index, value); } |
inline ListElement &operator=(const TType &value) && { _self->setAt(_index, value); return *this; } |
inline operator TType() const && { return _self->getAt(_index); } |
private: |
friend class SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>; |
inline ListElement(SettingsEntry<QList<TType>> *self, int index) : _self{self}, _index{index} {} |
SettingsEntry<QList<TType>> *_self; |
int _index; |
}; |
template <typename T> |
class iterator_base; |
class iterator_value |
{ |
public: |
TType get() const { return _self->getAt(_index); } |
void set(const TType &value) { _self->setAt(_index, value); } |
inline iterator_value &operator=(const TType &value) { _self->setAt(_index, value); return *this; } |
inline operator TType() const { return _self->getAt(_index); } |
inline friend void swap(iterator_value& lhs, iterator_value& rhs) { qSwap(lhs._self, rhs._self); qSwap(lhs._index, rhs._index); } |
inline friend bool operator==(const iterator_value &lhs, const iterator_value &rhs) { assert(lhs._self == rhs._self); return lhs._index == rhs._index; } |
inline friend bool operator!=(const iterator_value &lhs, const iterator_value &rhs) { assert(lhs._self == rhs._self); return lhs._index != rhs._index; } |
inline friend bool operator<(const iterator_value &lhs, const iterator_value &rhs) { assert(lhs._self == rhs._self); return lhs._index < rhs._index; } |
inline friend bool operator>(const iterator_value &lhs, const iterator_value &rhs) { assert(lhs._self == rhs._self); return lhs._index > rhs._index; } |
inline friend bool operator<=(const iterator_value &lhs, const iterator_value &rhs) { assert(lhs._self == rhs._self); return lhs._index <= rhs._index; } |
inline friend bool operator>=(const iterator_value &lhs, const iterator_value &rhs) { assert(lhs._self == rhs._self); return lhs._index >= rhs._index; } |
inline friend iterator_value operator+(const iterator_value &value, int delta) { return iterator_value{value._self, value._index + delta}; } |
inline friend iterator_value operator+(int delta, const iterator_value &value) { return iterator_value{value._self, value._index + delta}; } |
inline friend iterator_value operator-(const iterator_value &value, int delta) { return iterator_value{value._self, value._index - delta}; } |
inline friend int operator-(const iterator_value &lhs, const iterator_value &rhs) { assert(lhs._self == rhs._self); return lhs._index - rhs._index; } |
private: |
template <typename T> |
friend class SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::iterator_base; |
inline iterator_value(SettingsEntry<QList<TType>> *self, int index) : _self{self}, _index{index} {} |
inline iterator_value(const iterator_value &other) = default; |
inline iterator_value &operator=(const iterator_value &other) = default; |
inline iterator_value(iterator_value &&other) noexcept = default; |
inline iterator_value &operator=(iterator_value &&other) noexcept = default; |
SettingsEntry<QList<TType>> *_self; |
int _index; |
}; |
template <typename T> |
class iterator_base |
{ |
public: |
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag; |
using difference_type = int; |
using value_type = T; |
using pointer = value_type*; |
using reference = value_type&; |
inline iterator_base(const iterator_base<T> &other) = default; |
inline iterator_base &operator=(const iterator_base<T> &other) = default; |
inline iterator_base(iterator_base<T> &&other) noexcept = default; |
inline iterator_base &operator=(iterator_base<T> &&other) noexcept = default; |
inline iterator_base<T> &operator++() { ++_value._index; return *this; } |
inline iterator_base<T> operator++(int) { return iterator_base<T>{_value._self, _value._index++}; } |
inline iterator_base<T> &operator--() { --_value._index; return *this; } |
inline iterator_base<T> operator--(int) { return iterator_base<T>{_value._self, _value._index--}; } |
inline const value_type &operator*() const { return _value; } |
inline value_type &operator*() { return _value; } |
inline const value_type *operator->() const { return &_value; } |
inline value_type *operator->() { return &_value; } |
inline friend void swap(iterator_base<T> &lhs, iterator_base<T> &rhs) { swap(lhs._value, rhs._value); } |
inline friend bool operator==(const iterator_base<T> &lhs, const iterator_base<T> &rhs) { return lhs._value == rhs._value; } |
inline friend bool operator!=(const iterator_base<T> &lhs, const iterator_base<T> &rhs) { return lhs._value != rhs._value; } |
inline friend bool operator<(const iterator_base<T> &lhs, const iterator_base<T> &rhs) { return lhs._value < rhs._value; } |
inline friend bool operator>(const iterator_base<T> &lhs, const iterator_base<T> &rhs) { return lhs._value > rhs._value; } |
inline friend bool operator<=(const iterator_base<T> &lhs, const iterator_base<T> &rhs) { return lhs._value <= rhs._value; } |
inline friend bool operator>=(const iterator_base<T> &lhs, const iterator_base<T> &rhs) { return lhs._value >= rhs._value; } |
inline iterator_base<T> &operator+=(difference_type delta) { _value._index += delta; return *this; } |
inline friend iterator_base<T> operator+(const iterator_base<T> &iter, difference_type delta) { return iterator_base<T>{iter._value + delta}; } |
inline friend iterator_base<T> operator+(difference_type delta, const iterator_base<T> &iter) { return iterator_base<T>{iter._value + delta}; } |
inline iterator_base<T> &operator-=(difference_type delta) { _value._index -= delta; return *this; } |
inline friend iterator_base<T> operator-(const iterator_base<T> &iter, difference_type delta) { return iterator_base<T>{iter._value - delta}; } |
inline friend difference_type operator-(const iterator_base<T> &lhs, const iterator_base<T> &rhs) { return lhs._value - rhs._value; } |
inline value_type operator[](difference_type delta) const { return iterator_value{_value._self, _value._index + delta}; } |
private: |
friend class SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>; |
inline iterator_base(SettingsEntry<QList<TType>> *self, int index) : _value{self, index} {} |
inline iterator_base(iterator_value value) : _value{std::move(value)} {} |
iterator_value _value; |
}; |
using iterator = iterator_base<iterator_value>; |
using const_iterator = iterator_base<const iterator_value>; |
SettingsEntry() = default; |
bool isSet() const; |
QString key() const; |
QList<TType> get() const; |
void set(const QList<TType> &value); |
void reset(bool reInit = true); |
SettingsEntry<QList<TType>> &operator=(const QList<TType> &value); |
operator QList<TType>() const; |
int size() const; |
TType getAt(int index) const; |
void setAt(int index, const TType &value); |
void push(const TType &value); |
void push(const QList<TType> &values); |
TType pop(); |
void chop(int count); |
ListElement operator[](int index); |
const ListElement operator[](int index) const; |
SettingsEntry<QList<TType>> &operator+=(const TType &value); |
SettingsEntry<QList<TType>> &operator+=(const QList<TType> &values); |
iterator begin(); |
iterator end(); |
const_iterator begin() const; |
const_iterator end() const; |
const_iterator constBegin() const; |
const_iterator constEnd() const; |
void addChangeCallback(const std::function<void(int, TType)> &callback); // index, value
void addChangeCallback(QObject *scope, const std::function<void(int, TType)> &callback); |
void addSizeChangeCallback(const std::function<void(int)> &callback); // size
void addSizeChangeCallback(QObject *scope, const std::function<void(int)> &callback); |
// internal
void setup(QString key, ISettingsAccessor *accessor, QVariant defaultValue = {}); |
void setupInit(QList<TType> init); |
private: |
QString _key; |
ISettingsAccessor *_accessor = nullptr; |
QVariant _default; |
QList<TType> _init; |
}; |
template <> |
class SettingsEntry<void> |
{ |
@ -47,7 +220,6 @@ public: |
inline void setup(const QString &, ISettingsAccessor *, const QVariant & = {}) {} |
}; |
// ------------- Generic Implementation -------------
template<typename T> |
@ -68,12 +240,18 @@ T SettingsEntry<T>::get() const |
return _accessor->load(_key, _default).template value<T>(); |
} |
template<> |
Q_MVVMCORE_EXPORT QVariant SettingsEntry<QVariant>::get() const; |
template<typename T> |
void SettingsEntry<T>::set(const T &value) |
{ |
_accessor->save(_key, QVariant::fromValue(value)); |
} |
template<> |
Q_MVVMCORE_EXPORT void SettingsEntry<QVariant>::set(const QVariant &value); |
template<typename T> |
void SettingsEntry<T>::reset() |
{ |
@ -87,6 +265,12 @@ SettingsEntry<T> &SettingsEntry<T>::operator=(const T &value) |
return (*this); |
} |
template<typename T> |
SettingsEntry<T>::operator T() const |
{ |
return get(); |
} |
template<typename T> |
void SettingsEntry<T>::addChangeCallback(const std::function<void (T)> &callback) |
{ |
@ -110,14 +294,237 @@ void SettingsEntry<T>::addChangeCallback(QObject *scope, const std::function<voi |
}); |
} |
template<> |
Q_MVVMCORE_EXPORT void SettingsEntry<QVariant>::addChangeCallback(QObject *scope, const std::function<void (QVariant)> &callback); |
template<typename T> |
SettingsEntry<T>::operator T() const |
void SettingsEntry<T>::setup(QString key, ISettingsAccessor *accessor, QVariant defaultValue) |
{ |
Q_ASSERT_X(accessor, Q_FUNC_INFO, "You must set a valid accessor before initializing the settings!"); |
_key = std::move(key); |
_accessor = accessor; |
_default = std::move(defaultValue); |
} |
// ------------- Generic Implementation ListEntry -------------
template<typename TType> |
bool SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::isSet() const |
{ |
return _accessor->contains(_key + QStringLiteral("/size")); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
QString SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::key() const |
{ |
return _key; |
} |
template<typename TType> |
QList<TType> SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::get() const |
{ |
auto mSize = size(); |
QList<TType> resList; |
resList.reserve(mSize); |
for(auto i = 0; i < mSize; ++i) |
resList.append(getAt(i)); |
return resList; |
} |
template<typename TType> |
void SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::set(const QList<TType> &value) |
{ |
reset(false); |
push(value); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
void SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::reset(bool reInit) |
{ |
_accessor->remove(_key); |
if(reInit && !_init.isEmpty()) |
push(_init); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
SettingsEntry<QList<TType>> &SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::operator=(const QList<TType> &value) |
{ |
set(value); |
return *this; |
} |
template<typename TType> |
SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::operator QList<TType>() const |
{ |
return get(); |
} |
template<typename T> |
void SettingsEntry<T>::setup(QString key, ISettingsAccessor *accessor, QVariant defaultValue) |
template<typename TType> |
int SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::size() const |
{ |
return _accessor->load(_key + QStringLiteral("/size"), 0).toInt(); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
TType SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::getAt(int index) const |
{ |
return _accessor->load(_key + QStringLiteral("/%1/value").arg(index), _default).template value<TType>(); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
void SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::setAt(int index, const TType &value) |
{ |
_accessor->save(_key + QStringLiteral("/%1/value").arg(index), QVariant::fromValue(value)); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
void SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::push(const TType &value) |
{ |
push(QList<TType>{value}); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
void SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::push(const QList<TType> &values) |
{ |
auto cIndex = size(); |
for(const auto &value : values) |
setAt(cIndex++, value); |
_accessor->save(_key + QStringLiteral("/size"), cIndex); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
TType QtMvvm::SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::pop() |
{ |
auto res = getAt(size() - 1); |
chop(1); |
return res; |
} |
template<typename TType> |
void QtMvvm::SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::chop(int count) |
{ |
auto cSize = size(); |
auto nSize = qMax(size() - count, 0); |
for(auto i = cSize - 1; i >= nSize; --i) |
_accessor->remove(_key + QStringLiteral("/%1/value").arg(i)); |
_accessor->save(_key + QStringLiteral("/size"), nSize); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
const typename SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::ListElement SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::operator[](int index) const |
{ |
return ListElement{this, index}; |
} |
template<typename TType> |
typename SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::ListElement SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::operator[](int index) |
{ |
return ListElement{this, index}; |
} |
template<typename TType> |
SettingsEntry<QList<TType>> &SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::operator+=(const TType &value) |
{ |
push(value); |
return *this; |
} |
template<typename TType> |
SettingsEntry<QList<TType>> &SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::operator+=(const QList<TType> &values) |
{ |
push(values); |
return *this; |
} |
template<typename TType> |
typename SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::iterator SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::begin() |
{ |
return iterator{this, 0}; |
} |
template<typename TType> |
typename SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::iterator QtMvvm::SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::end() |
{ |
return iterator{this, size()}; |
} |
template<typename TType> |
typename SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::const_iterator SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::begin() const |
{ |
return constBegin(); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
typename SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::const_iterator SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::end() const |
{ |
return constEnd(); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
typename SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::const_iterator SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::constBegin() const |
{ |
return const_iterator{const_cast<SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>*>(this), 0}; |
} |
template<typename TType> |
typename SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::const_iterator SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::constEnd() const |
{ |
return const_iterator{const_cast<SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>*>(this), size()}; |
} |
template<typename TType> |
void SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::addChangeCallback(const std::function<void (int, TType)> &callback) |
{ |
addChangeCallback(_accessor, callback); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
void SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::addChangeCallback(QObject *scope, const std::function<void (int, TType)> &callback) |
{ |
QRegularExpression mKey {QStringLiteral("^%1\\/\\d+\\/value$").arg(QRegularExpression::escape(_key))}; |
mKey.optimize(); |
auto mDefault = _default; |
QObject::connect(_accessor, &ISettingsAccessor::entryChanged, |
scope, [mKey, callback](const QString &key, const QVariant &value) { |
auto match = mKey.match(key); |
if(match.hasMatch()) |
callback(match.captured(1).toInt(), value.template value<TType>()); |
}); |
QObject::connect(_accessor, &ISettingsAccessor::entryRemoved, |
scope, [mKey, mDefault, callback](const QString &key) { |
auto match = mKey.match(key); |
if(match.hasMatch()) |
callback(match.captured(1).toInt(), mDefault); |
}); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
void SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::addSizeChangeCallback(const std::function<void (int)> &callback) |
{ |
addSizeChangeCallback(_accessor, callback); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
void SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::addSizeChangeCallback(QObject *scope, const std::function<void (int)> &callback) |
{ |
QString mKey = _key + QStringLiteral("/size"); |
auto mInit = _init; |
QObject::connect(_accessor, &ISettingsAccessor::entryChanged, |
scope, [mKey, callback](const QString &key, const QVariant &value) { |
if(key == mKey) |
callback(value.toInt()); |
}); |
QObject::connect(_accessor, &ISettingsAccessor::entryRemoved, |
scope, [mKey, mInit, callback](const QString &key) { |
if(key == mKey) |
callback(0); //is ok, as in case of a "reinit", the entry changed will be emitted next
}); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
void SettingsEntry<QList<TType>>::setup(QString key, ISettingsAccessor *accessor, QVariant defaultValue) |
{ |
Q_ASSERT_X(accessor, Q_FUNC_INFO, "You must set a valid accessor before initializing the settings!"); |
_key = std::move(key); |
@ -125,6 +532,14 @@ void SettingsEntry<T>::setup(QString key, ISettingsAccessor *accessor, QVariant |
_default = std::move(defaultValue); |
} |
template<typename TType> |
void QtMvvm::SettingsEntry<QList<TType> >::setupInit(QList<TType> init) |
{ |
_init = std::move(init); |
if(!isSet()) |
push(_init); |
} |
} |