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added coreapp doc

Skycoder42 7 years ago
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@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ The key features are:
- Create ViewModels in the core application to prepare data for presentation without binding to any concret GUI
- Functions to show messageboxes (info, warning, error, etc.) from your core app
- Asynchronous, with result handling
- Supports input dialogs and file dialogs out of the box
- Supports input dialogs and native file dialogs out of the box
- Supports native file pickers on Android
- custom dialog types can be created
- Methods to create Two-Way Bindings from C++ and QML
- Macros and a ServiceRegistry to make Dependency Injection possible for Services and ViewModels
@ -113,10 +114,10 @@ If you did install the module as module you can skip this part. To create a new
### Create and initialize the QtMvvm Project
Follow the setup to create the project. You can select the GUI-frontends you want to use, as well as additional features. After that you get a basic project skeleton with a simple CoreApp and a ViewModel, as well as the corresponding views.
For more Details on these classes, check the [Documentation](
For more Details on these classes, check the [Documentation](
### Adding new ViewModels and Views
The most important part is to know how to add new ViewModels and Views.
The most important part is to know how to add new ViewModels and Views.
#### Create the ViewModel
- Add a new c++ class to your core project. Let it inherit from `QtMvvm::ViewModel`
@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ To create a presenter, the `QtMvvm::IPresenter` must be implemented and provided
- The `QtMvvmApp` qml types automatically register themselves as presenter and perform the presentations
- Supports Items as new fullscreen pages inside a stack view, as drawer or as tabs
- Supports Popups as modal dialogs
## Icons
In many of the UI projects default icons are used for the views (if no icon theme is present). They are taken from:


@ -46,4 +46,190 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return app.exec(); // bootApp() is called as soon as the eventloop starts (and thus startApp())
When using the app that way, a 3-step startup is performed:
1. registerApp() and performRegistrations() are called as part of the QCoreApplication
constructor as first thing to register types etc. from the core application.
2. The rest of the main() in the GUI project runs to register further view related stuff and
register additional services etc.
3. The bootApp() and startApp() methods are called once the eventloop was entered in order to
actually start the application and show the first viewmodels. Once started, the appStarted()
signal is emitted as well.
@fn QtMvvm::CoreApp::disableAutoBoot
In case you don't want your application be be started automatically whenQCoreApplication::exec
is called, you must call this method **before** The QCoreApplication (or any other application)
constructor is called:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
In order to eventually start the app, simply call bootApp().
@sa CoreApp::bootApp, #QTMVVM_REGISTER_CORE_APP, CoreApp::registerApp
@fn QtMvvm::CoreApp::registerApp
@attention This method is called automatically by the #QTMVVM_REGISTER_CORE_APP macro. If you
use the macro, don't call this method explicitly!
Internally it performs some initial registrations, calls performRegistrations() and then
schedules the automatic call of bootApp() if not disabled.
@sa #QTMVVM_REGISTER_CORE_APP, CoreApp::performRegistrations, CoreApp::bootApp,
@fn QtMvvm::CoreApp::show(const QVariantHash &)
@tparam TViewModel The type of the viewmodel to be presented
@param params A map of named parameters to be passed to the viewmodel
Creates a new instance of the Viewmodel class, creates to corresponding view and then shows it.
This is done via the IPresenter that is currently registered.
@sa ViewModel::show, CoreApp::showDialog
@fn QtMvvm::CoreApp::show(const char *, const QVariantHash &)
@param viewModelName The name of the viewmodel to be presented
@param params A map of named parameters to be passed to the viewmodel
Creates a new instance of the Viewmodel class, creates to corresponding view and then shows it.
This is done via the IPresenter that is currently registered.
@sa ViewModel::show, CoreApp::showDialog
@fn QtMvvm::CoreApp::show(const QMetaObject *, const QVariantHash &)
@param viewModelMetaObject The metaobject of the viewmodel to be presented
@param params A map of named parameters to be passed to the viewmodel
Creates a new instance of the Viewmodel class, creates to corresponding view and then shows it.
This is done via the IPresenter that is currently registered.
@sa ViewModel::show, CoreApp::showDialog
@fn QtMvvm::CoreApp::showDialog
@param config The configuration of the message to be shown
@returns A message result to keep track of the shown dialog
The configuration is passed to the presenter in order to show a simple dialog. You can use the
returned object to monitor the dialog and receive the result.
@note By default, the returned object will delete itself automatically once the dialog has
been closed.
@sa CoreApp::show, MessageConfig, MessageResult
@fn QtMvvm::CoreApp::bootApp
@attention This method is called automatically by the #QTMVVM_REGISTER_CORE_APP macro or the
registerApp() method, unless it has been deactivated before with disableAutoBoot(). Unless you
disabled the boot that way, don't call this method explicitly!
Internally it performs the actual start of the application and calls startApp() to start all
services and show the initial viewmodels.
If startApp() returned successfully, appStarted() is emitted and thus the startup completed.
@sa #QTMVVM_REGISTER_CORE_APP, CoreApp::startApp, CoreApp::disableAutoBoot,
@fn QtMvvm::CoreApp::performRegistrations
Is called by registerApp() (and thus automatically when using the #QTMVVM_REGISTER_CORE_APP
macro) in order to perform initial registrations of types etc. before any such code is beeing
executed for the gui projects.
@sa #QTMVVM_REGISTER_CORE_APP, CoreApp::registerApp, CoreApp::startApp
@fn QtMvvm::CoreApp::startApp
@param arguments The command line arguments that have been passed to the application
@return An exit code as a result of the startup code
Is called by bootApp() (and thus automatically when using the #QTMVVM_REGISTER_CORE_APP
macro) in order to start the app logic and show initial viewmodels. Return `EXIT_SUCCESS` (0)
to indicate the start was successful. If any other value is returned, the application exits
with that value as return code.
@sa CoreApp::autoParse, #QTMVVM_REGISTER_CORE_APP, CoreApp::bootApp, CoreApp::closeApp,
@fn QtMvvm::CoreApp::closeApp
Is connected to the QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit signal and is called to clean up your
application. Using this method is more convenient as it is only called in case the startup
was successfull (returned `EXIT_SUCCESS`).
@sa CoreApp::startApp
@fn QtMvvm::CoreApp::autoParse
@param parser A reference to the commandline parser to use
@param arguments The arguments to be parsed
@returns `true` If parsing was successfull and you can continue starting the App
Use this method in your startApp() implementation in order to automatically handle special
- Errors
- The Help option (`--help`)
- The Version option (`--version`)
For those three cases `false` is returned and a dialog of the specific GUI shown to the user
with either and error string, the help or the version information. To correctly use it, your
startApp() function should look like this:
int MyApp::startApp(const QStringList &arguments)
QCommandLineParser parser;
//Add more options to setup the parser...
//shows help or version automatically
if(!autoParse(parser, arguments))
// actual startup code...
@note It is important to return with `EXIT_SUCCESS` from the parser in order to actually show
the dialogs to the user. Returning any other value would simply silently quit the application.
@sa CoreApp::startApp


@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
@namespace QtMvvm
The following list shows which classes belong to which Qt module, in alphabetical order:
- QtMvvmCore:
- Binding
- CoreApp
- IPresenter
- ISettingsSetupLoader
- MessageConfig
- MessageResult
- PresenterException
- ServiceConstructionException
- ServiceDependencyException
- ServiceExistsException
- ServiceRegistry
- SettingsLoaderException
- SettingsViewModel
- ViewModel
- All Methods not explicitly listed
- QtMvvmWidgets:
- InputWidgetFactory
- IPresentingView
- SettingsDialog
- WidgetsPresenter
- QtMvvmQuick:
- InputViewFactory
- QuickPresenter
- QtMvvmDataSyncCore:
- AccountModel
- DataSyncViewModel
- ExchangeDevicesModel
- NetworkExchangeViewModel
- QtMvvmDataSyncWidgets:
- DataSyncWindow
- NetworkExchangeWindow
- registerDataSyncWidgets()
- QtMvvmDataSyncQuick:
- registerDataSyncQuick()


@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ void CoreApp::show(const char *viewModelName, const QVariantHash &params)
show(metaObject, params);
void CoreApp::show(const QMetaObject *viewMetaObject, const QVariantHash &params)
void CoreApp::show(const QMetaObject *viewModelMetaObject, const QVariantHash &params)
if(!viewMetaObject->inherits(&ViewModel::staticMetaObject)) {
if(!viewModelMetaObject->inherits(&ViewModel::staticMetaObject)) {
throw PresenterException(QByteArrayLiteral("Given type (") +
viewMetaObject->className() +
viewModelMetaObject->className() +
QByteArrayLiteral(") is not a class that extends QtMvvm::ViewModel"));
showImp(viewMetaObject, params);
showImp(viewModelMetaObject, params);
MessageResult *CoreApp::showDialog(const MessageConfig &config)


@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public:
//! Show a new ViewModel by its name
static void show(const char *viewModelName, const QVariantHash &params = {});
//! Show a new ViewModel by its metaobject
static void show(const QMetaObject *viewMetaObject, const QVariantHash &params = {});
static void show(const QMetaObject *viewModelMetaObject, const QVariantHash &params = {});
//! Show a basic dialog
static MessageResult *showDialog(const MessageConfig &config);
