5 changed files with 378 additions and 11 deletions
@ -1,8 +1,57 @@ |
#include <QCoreApplication> |
#include <QCommandLineParser> |
#include <QFile> |
#include <QXmlStreamReader> |
#include <QDebug> |
#include "settingsgenerator.h" |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) |
{ |
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); |
QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(QStringLiteral(TARGET)); |
QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion(QStringLiteral(VERSION)); |
QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName(QStringLiteral(COMPANY)); |
QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain(QStringLiteral(BUNDLE_PREFIX)); |
QCommandLineParser parser; |
parser.setApplicationDescription(QStringLiteral("A tool to...")); //TODO description
parser.addVersionOption(); |
parser.addHelpOption(); |
parser.addOption({ |
{QStringLiteral("t"), QStringLiteral("translate")}, |
QStringLiteral("Translate the given settings file. The output will be" |
"a dummy cpp file, writte to --impl.") |
}); |
parser.addOption({ |
QStringLiteral("in"), |
QStringLiteral("The input XML <file> containing the settings definition"), |
QStringLiteral("file") |
}); |
parser.addOption({ |
QStringLiteral("header"), |
QStringLiteral("The <name> of the header file to generate"), |
QStringLiteral("name") |
}); |
parser.addOption({ |
QStringLiteral("impl"), |
QStringLiteral("The <name> of the implementation file to generate"), |
QStringLiteral("name") |
}); |
return a.exec(); |
parser.process(a); |
try { |
SettingsGenerator generator { |
parser.value(QStringLiteral("in")), |
parser.value(QStringLiteral("header")), |
parser.value(QStringLiteral("impl")) |
}; |
generator.process(); |
return EXIT_SUCCESS; |
} catch (const QString &str) { |
qCritical() << qUtf8Printable(str); |
return EXIT_FAILURE; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ |
#include "settingsgenerator.h" |
#include <QDebug> |
SettingsGenerator::SettingsGenerator(const QString &inPath, const QString &hdrPath, const QString &srcPath) : |
_inFile{inPath}, |
_hdrFile{hdrPath}, |
_srcFile{srcPath}, |
_xml{&_inFile}, |
_hdr{&_hdrFile}, |
_src{&_srcFile} |
{} |
void SettingsGenerator::process() |
{ |
if(!_inFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) |
throwFile(_inFile); |
if(!_hdrFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) |
throwFile(_hdrFile); |
if(!_srcFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) |
throwFile(_srcFile); |
readData(); |
} |
void SettingsGenerator::readData() |
{ |
if(!_xml.readNextStartElement()) |
throwReader(); |
if(_xml.name() != QStringLiteral("Settings")) |
throwChild(); |
_data = readSettings(); |
checkError(); |
qDebug() << "Completed parsing xml - it is valid"; |
} |
SettingsGenerator::Include SettingsGenerator::readInclude() |
{ |
Include include; |
include.local = readAttrib<bool>(QStringLiteral("local"), false); |
include.include = _xml.readElementText(); |
checkError(); |
return include; |
} |
SettingsGenerator::Param SettingsGenerator::readParam() |
{ |
Param param; |
param.key = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("key"), {}, true); |
param.type = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("type"), {}, true); |
param.asStr = readAttrib<bool>(QStringLiteral("asStr"), false); |
param.value = _xml.readElementText(); |
checkError(); |
return param; |
} |
QSharedPointer<SettingsGenerator::Backend> SettingsGenerator::readBackend() |
{ |
auto backend = QSharedPointer<Backend>::create(); |
backend->className = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("class"), {}, true); |
while(_xml.readNextStartElement()) { |
if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("Param")) |
backend->params.append(readParam()); |
else |
throwChild(); |
} |
checkError(); |
return backend; |
} |
QPair<QString, QString> SettingsGenerator::readTypeMapping() |
{ |
QPair<QString, QString> mapping; |
mapping.first = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("key"), {}, true); |
mapping.second = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("type"), {}, true); |
checkError(); |
return mapping; |
} |
SettingsGenerator::Node SettingsGenerator::readNode() |
{ |
Node node; |
node.key = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("key"), {}, true); |
while(_xml.readNextStartElement()) { |
if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("Node")) |
node.subNodes.append(readNode()); |
else if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("Entry")) |
node.subEntries.append(readEntry()); |
else if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("Import")) |
node.subImports.append(readImport()); |
else |
throwChild(); |
} |
checkError(); |
return node; |
} |
SettingsGenerator::Entry SettingsGenerator::readEntry() |
{ |
Entry entry; |
entry.key = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("key"), {}, true); |
entry.type = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("type"), {}, true); |
entry.qmlGroupKey = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("qmlGroupKey")); |
entry.defaultValue = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("default")); |
entry.tr = readAttrib<bool>(QStringLiteral("tr"), false); |
entry.trContext = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("trContext")); |
while(_xml.readNextStartElement()) { |
if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("Code")) { |
if(!entry.defaultValue.isNull()) |
throwChild(); |
entry.defaultValue = _xml.readElementText(); |
entry.defaultIsCode = true; |
checkError(); |
} else if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("Node")) |
entry.subNodes.append(readNode()); |
else if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("Entry")) |
entry.subEntries.append(readEntry()); |
else if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("Import")) |
entry.subImports.append(readImport()); |
else |
throwChild(); |
} |
checkError(); |
return entry; |
} |
SettingsGenerator::Import SettingsGenerator::readImport() |
{ |
Import import; |
import.required = readAttrib<bool>(QStringLiteral("required"), true); |
import.rootNode = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("rootNode")); |
import.import = _xml.readElementText(); |
checkError(); |
return import; |
} |
SettingsGenerator::Settings SettingsGenerator::readSettings() |
{ |
Settings settings; |
settings.name = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("name"), {}, true); |
settings.prefix = readAttrib(QStringLiteral("prefix")); |
while(_xml.readNextStartElement()) { |
if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("Include")) |
settings.includes.append(readInclude()); |
else if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("Backend")) |
settings.backend = readBackend(); |
else if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("TypeMapping")) { |
auto mapping = readTypeMapping(); |
settings.typeMapping.insert(mapping.first, mapping.second); |
} else if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("Node")) |
settings.subNodes.append(readNode()); |
else if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("Entry")) |
settings.subEntries.append(readEntry()); |
else if(_xml.name() == QStringLiteral("Import")) |
settings.subImports.append(readImport()); |
else |
throwChild(); |
} |
checkError(); |
return settings; |
} |
void SettingsGenerator::checkError() const |
{ |
if(_xml.hasError()) |
throwReader(); |
} |
template<typename T> |
T SettingsGenerator::readAttrib(const QString &key, const T &defaultValue, bool required) const |
{ |
if(_xml.attributes().hasAttribute(key)) |
return QVariant(_xml.attributes().value(key).toString()).template value<T>(); |
else if(required) |
throwReader(QStringLiteral("Required attribute \"%1\" but was not set").arg(key)); |
else |
return defaultValue; |
} |
template<> |
bool SettingsGenerator::readAttrib<bool>(const QString &key, const bool &defaultValue, bool required) const |
{ |
if(_xml.attributes().hasAttribute(key)) { |
if(_xml.attributes().value(key) == QStringLiteral("true")) |
return true; |
else if(_xml.attributes().value(key) == QStringLiteral("false")) |
return false; |
else |
throwReader(QStringLiteral("Value of attribute \"%1\" is not a xs:boolean!").arg(key)); |
} else if(required) |
throwReader(QStringLiteral("Required attribute \"%1\" but was not set").arg(key)); |
else |
return defaultValue; |
} |
void SettingsGenerator::throwFile(const QFileDevice &file) const |
{ |
throw QStringLiteral("%1: %2").arg(file.fileName(), file.errorString()); |
} |
void SettingsGenerator::throwReader(const QString &overwriteError) const |
{ |
throw QStringLiteral("%1:%2:%3: %4") |
.arg(dynamic_cast<QFileDevice*>(_xml.device())->fileName()) |
.arg(_xml.lineNumber()) |
.arg(_xml.columnNumber()) |
.arg(overwriteError.isNull() ? _xml.errorString() : overwriteError); |
} |
void SettingsGenerator::throwChild() |
{ |
throwReader(QStringLiteral("Unexpected child element: %1").arg(_xml.name())); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ |
#include <QFile> |
#include <QXmlStreamReader> |
#include <QTextStream> |
#include <QSharedPointer> |
class SettingsGenerator |
{ |
public: |
SettingsGenerator(const QString &inPath, |
const QString &hdrPath, |
const QString &srcPath); |
void process(); |
private: |
QFile _inFile; |
QFile _hdrFile; |
QFile _srcFile; |
QXmlStreamReader _xml; |
QTextStream _hdr; |
QTextStream _src; |
struct Include{ |
bool local; |
QString include; |
}; |
struct Param { |
QString key; |
QString type; |
bool asStr; |
QString value; |
}; |
struct Backend { |
QString className; |
QList<Param> params; |
}; |
struct Entry; |
struct Import; |
struct Node { |
QString key; |
QList<Node> subNodes; |
QList<Entry> subEntries; |
QList<Import> subImports; |
}; |
struct Entry : public Node { |
QString type; |
QString qmlGroupKey; |
QString defaultValue; |
bool defaultIsCode = false; |
bool tr; |
QString trContext; |
}; |
struct Import { |
bool required; |
QString rootNode; |
QString import; |
}; |
struct Settings : public Node { |
QString name; |
QString prefix; |
QList<Include> includes; |
QSharedPointer<Backend> backend; |
QHash<QString, QString> typeMapping; |
} _data; |
void readData(); |
Include readInclude(); |
Param readParam(); |
QSharedPointer<Backend> readBackend(); |
QPair<QString, QString> readTypeMapping(); |
Node readNode(); |
Entry readEntry(); |
Import readImport(); |
Settings readSettings(); |
template <typename T = QString> |
T readAttrib(const QString &key, const T &defaultValue = {}, bool required = false) const; |
void checkError() const; |
Q_NORETURN void throwFile(const QFileDevice &file) const; |
Q_NORETURN void throwReader(const QString &overwriteError = {}) const; |
Q_NORETURN void throwChild(); |
}; |
template<> |
bool SettingsGenerator::readAttrib<bool>(const QString &key, const bool &defaultValue, bool required) const; |
Reference in new issue