63 lines
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63 lines
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7 years ago
@param classType The type of the property to be injected
@param name The name of the property to be injected
This macro creates an additional property that is detected by the QtMvvm::ServiceRegistry and
contains the information needed to inject the property automatically. For more details on
the property injection, see QtMvvm::ServiceRegistry
Sample code for usage:
class MyClass : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(IService* service READ service WRITE setService)
QTMVVM_INJECT(IService*, service)
@note All properties that make use of interfaces must register the interfaces via
@sa #QTMVVM_INJECT_PROP, QtMvvm::registerInterfaceConverter, QtMvvm::ServiceRegistry
@param type The type of the property to be created
@param name The name of the property to be created
@param member The name of the member variable to use for the property
This macro is a shortcut for #QTMVVM_INJECT to create a property and mark it for injection in
one step. The property is created by using a member variable. This means it will have no public
member functions to access the property, only the property accessors itself.
Sample code for usage:
class MyClass : public QObject
QTMVVM_INJECT_PROP(IService*, service, _service)
IService* _service;
@note All properties that make use of interfaces must register the interfaces via
@sa #QTMVVM_INJECT, QtMvvm::registerInterfaceConverter, QtMvvm::ServiceRegistry