Migration of QtMvvm from github

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@class QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel
It's a ready made viewmodel to show a settings dialog. See @ref settings_xml. To show the
dialog, call show from another ViewModel or the CoreApp:
@sa @ref images_page
@property QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel::canRestoreDefaults
Restoring defaults is only allowed if both this property and the attribute of the settings XML
are true.
@sa @ref settings_xml_elements_config_attribs
@property QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel::restoreConfig
@default{<i>A basic question messagebox</i>}
If you want to modify the text or options, you can replace the messagebox with another dialog.
@property QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel::settingsSetupLoader
Do not set this property yourself. It is automatically injected when showing the viewmodel.
You can use the ServiceRegistry::registerInterface if you need to use a loader different from
the default one.
@var QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel::paramSettings
<b>Value:</b> `"settings"`
@sa SettingsViewModel::showParams
@var QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel::paramSetupFile
<b>Value:</b> `"setupFile"`
@sa SettingsViewModel::showParams
@fn QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel::showParams
@param settings The QSettings to operate on. Can be null to use the default settings
@param setupFile The path to a file to be used to create the settings. Can be empty to use the
default path
@return A paramater hash to be passed to ViewModel::show
It's a shortcut to generate parameters for the show methods to show a settings viewmodel. Use
them as:
@note Unless you need to explicitly set the settings or setup file a normal show without any
parameters will just do fine.
@sa ViewModel::show, SettingsViewModel::paramSettings, SettingsViewModel::paramSetupFile
@fn QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel::loadSetup
@param frontend The name of the current frontend
@returns The loaded settings setup
If loading fails an empty setup is returned. Logging is performed internally, so you can just
proceed without error checking and show an empty settings dialog.
@fn QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel::loadValue
@param key The full key of the settings entry to be loaded
@param defaultValue a default value to return in case the value is not found in the settings
@returns The value found under the given key
You can override this method if you want to support loading and saving settings from a
different source then the normally used QSettings
@sa SettingsViewModel::saveValue, SettingsViewModel::resetValue
@fn QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel::saveValue
@param key The full key of the settings entry to be saved
@param value The value to be stored under the key
You can override this method if you want to support loading and saving settings from a
different source then the normally used QSettings
@sa SettingsViewModel::loadValue, SettingsViewModel::resetValue
@fn QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel::resetValue
@param key The full key of the settings entry to be resetted
You can override this method if you want to support loading and saving settings from a
different source then the normally used QSettings
@sa SettingsViewModel::loadValue, SettingsViewModel::saveValue
@fn QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel::callAction
@param key The key of the entry that triggered the action
@param parameters A map with additional parameters for the action call
This method is called by the GUI when an entry with the
@ref settings_xml_types_action "action" type is pressed by the user. The key is what would
normally be used as the settings key. The parameters are deduced from the settings XML. See
the type documentation for more details.
@sa @ref settings_xml_types_action