# include <functional>
# include <QtCore/qscopedpointer.h>
# include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
# include <QtCore/qexception.h>
# include "QtMvvmCore/qtmvvmcore_global.h"
# include "QtMvvmCore/injection.h"
namespace QtMvvm {
class ServiceRegistryPrivate ;
//! A singleton to prepare services for dependency injection and to access them
class Q_MVVMCORE_EXPORT ServiceRegistry
public :
enum DestructionScope {
DestroyOnAppQuit = 1 ,
DestroyOnAppDestroy = 2 ,
DestroyOnRegistryDestroy = 3 ,
DestroyNever = 127
} ;
//! @private
ServiceRegistry ( ServiceRegistryPrivate * d_ptr ) ;
~ ServiceRegistry ( ) ;
//! Returns the ServiceRegistry singleton instance
static ServiceRegistry * instance ( ) ;
//! Checks if a given interface or service is already registered
template < typename TInterface >
bool isRegistered ( ) const ;
//! @copybrief ServiceRegistry::isRegistered()
bool isRegistered ( const QByteArray & iid ) const ;
//! Register a service for its interface via the type
template < typename TInterface , typename TService >
void registerInterface ( bool weak = false , DestructionScope scope = DestroyOnAppDestroy ) ;
//! Register a service for its interface via a constructor function
template < typename TInterface , typename TService , typename TFunc >
void registerInterface ( TFunc fn , bool weak = false , DestructionScope scope = DestroyOnAppDestroy ) ;
//! Register a service for its interface via an already existing instance
template < typename TInterface , typename TService >
void registerInterface ( TService * service , bool weak = false , DestructionScope scope = DestroyOnAppDestroy ) ;
//! Register a service via its type
template < typename TService >
void registerObject ( bool weak = false , DestructionScope scope = DestroyOnAppDestroy ) ;
//! Register a service via a constructor function
template < typename TService , typename TFunc >
void registerObject ( TFunc fn , bool weak = false , DestructionScope scope = DestroyOnAppDestroy ) ;
//! Register a service via an already existing instance
template < typename TService >
void registerObject ( TService * service , bool weak = false , DestructionScope scope = DestroyOnAppDestroy ) ;
//! Register a service by an iid via their metadata
void registerService ( const QByteArray & iid ,
const QMetaObject * metaObject ,
bool weak ,
DestructionScope scope ) ;
void registerService ( const QByteArray & iid ,
const QMetaObject * metaObject ,
bool weak = false ) ; //MAJOR merge methods
//! Register a service by an iid via a generalized constructor function
void registerService ( const QByteArray & iid ,
const std : : function < QObject * ( const QObjectList & ) > & fn ,
QByteArrayList injectables ,
bool weak ,
DestructionScope scope ) ;
void registerService ( const QByteArray & iid ,
const std : : function < QObject * ( const QObjectList & ) > & fn ,
QByteArrayList injectables ,
bool weak = false ) ; //MAJOR merge methods
//! Returns the service for the given interface
template < typename TInterface >
TInterface * service ( ) ;
//! Returns the service for the given iid
QObject * serviceObj ( const QByteArray & iid ) ;
//! Inject services for all injectable properties on object
void injectServices ( QObject * object ) ;
//! Constructs a new instance of TClass with properties injected
template < typename TClass >
TClass * constructInjected ( QObject * parent = nullptr ) ;
//! Constructs a new instance of metaObject with properties injected
QObject * constructInjected ( const QMetaObject * metaObject , QObject * parent = nullptr ) ;
private :
friend class QtMvvm : : ServiceRegistryPrivate ;
QScopedPointer < ServiceRegistryPrivate > d ;
} ;
//! Is thrown if a service is beeing registered that is already registered
class Q_MVVMCORE_EXPORT ServiceExistsException : public QException
public :
//! @private
ServiceExistsException ( const QByteArray & iid ) ;
//! @inherit{QException::what}
const char * what ( ) const noexcept override ;
//! @inherit{QException::raise}
void raise ( ) const override ;
//! @inherit{QException::clone}
QException * clone ( ) const override ;
protected :
//! @private
ServiceExistsException ( const ServiceExistsException * const other ) ;
//! @private
const QByteArray _msg ;
} ;
//! Is thrown in case the construction of a service has failed
class Q_MVVMCORE_EXPORT ServiceConstructionException : public QException
public :
//! @private
ServiceConstructionException ( const QByteArray & message ) ;
//! @inherit{QException::what}
const char * what ( ) const noexcept override ;
//! @inherit{QException::raise}
void raise ( ) const override ;
//! @inherit{QException::clone}
QException * clone ( ) const override ;
protected :
//! @private
ServiceConstructionException ( const ServiceConstructionException * const other ) ;
//! @private
const QByteArray _msg ;
} ;
//! Is thrown if a service could not be created because of a missing dependency to be injected
class Q_MVVMCORE_EXPORT ServiceDependencyException : public ServiceConstructionException
public :
//! @private
ServiceDependencyException ( const QByteArray & iid ) ;
void raise ( ) const override ;
QException * clone ( ) const override ;
protected :
//! @private
ServiceDependencyException ( const ServiceDependencyException * const other ) ;
} ;
// ------------- Generic Implementation -------------
template < typename TInterface >
bool ServiceRegistry : : isRegistered ( ) const
return isRegistered ( __helpertypes : : inject_iid < TInterface * > ( ) ) ;
# define QTMVVM_SERVICE_ASSERT(tint, tsvc) \
static_assert ( __helpertypes : : is_valid_interface < TInterface , TService > : : value , " TService must implement the given TInterface interface and be a qobject class " ) ; \
Q_ASSERT_X ( qobject_interface_iid < TInterface * > ( ) , Q_FUNC_INFO , " TInterface must be registered with Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE " ) ;
template < typename TInterface , typename TService >
void ServiceRegistry : : registerInterface ( bool weak , DestructionScope scope )
QTMVVM_SERVICE_ASSERT ( TInterface , TService )
registerService ( qobject_interface_iid < TInterface * > ( ) , & TService : : staticMetaObject , weak , scope ) ;
template < typename TInterface , typename TService , typename TFunc >
void ServiceRegistry : : registerInterface ( TFunc fn , bool weak , DestructionScope scope )
QTMVVM_SERVICE_ASSERT ( TInterface , TService )
QByteArrayList injectables ;
auto packed_fn = __helpertypes : : pack_function ( std : : move ( fn ) , injectables ) ;
registerService ( qobject_interface_iid < TInterface * > ( ) , packed_fn , injectables , weak , scope ) ;
template < typename TInterface , typename TService >
void ServiceRegistry : : registerInterface ( TService * service , bool weak , DestructionScope scope )
QTMVVM_SERVICE_ASSERT ( TInterface , TService )
registerService ( qobject_interface_iid < TInterface * > ( ) , [ service ] ( const QObjectList & params ) - > QObject * {
Q_UNUSED ( params ) ;
return service ;
} , QByteArrayList ( ) , weak , scope ) ;
# define QTMVVM_SERVICE_ASSERT(tsvc) \
static_assert ( __helpertypes : : is_qobj < tsvc > : : value , " TService must be a qobject class " ) ;
template < typename TService >
void ServiceRegistry : : registerObject ( bool weak , DestructionScope scope )
registerService ( __helpertypes : : qobject_iid < TService * > ( ) , & TService : : staticMetaObject , weak , scope ) ;
template < typename TService , typename TFunc >
void ServiceRegistry : : registerObject ( TFunc fn , bool weak , DestructionScope scope )
QByteArrayList injectables ;
auto packed_fn = __helpertypes : : pack_function ( std : : move ( fn ) , injectables ) ;
registerService ( __helpertypes : : qobject_iid < TService * > ( ) , packed_fn , injectables , weak , scope ) ;
template < typename TService >
void ServiceRegistry : : registerObject ( TService * service , bool weak , DestructionScope scope )
registerService ( __helpertypes : : qobject_iid < TService * > ( ) , [ service ] ( const QObjectList & params ) - > QObject * {
Q_UNUSED ( params ) ;
return service ;
} , QByteArrayList ( ) , weak , scope ) ;
template < typename TInterface >
TInterface * ServiceRegistry : : service ( )
return qobject_cast < TInterface * > ( serviceObj ( __helpertypes : : inject_iid < TInterface * > ( ) ) ) ;
template < typename TClass >
TClass * ServiceRegistry : : constructInjected ( QObject * parent )
static_assert ( __helpertypes : : is_qobj < TClass > : : value , " TClass must be a qobject class " ) ;
return qobject_cast < TClass * > ( constructInjected ( & TClass : : staticMetaObject , parent ) ) ;